Tour: Copenhagen 2

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I caught up with sleep while Caitlin was out with Jenny. I was still sleeping when she came back. The noise of the shower woke me up. I looked at my phone it was 2 pm. Cool three hours before I go to the arena so enough time to talk to Caitlin. I was wide awake but was lying in bed looking up at the ceiling when she walked into the room with a different outfit on from this morning. 

"We need to talk" I replied still looking up at the ceiling as I was lying on my bed. "What's wrong? Why are you avoiding me?". I rolled over so I can look at her. She tried not to look at me. " Please look at me. What have I done? Please tell me". 

"You haven't done anything wrong?".

" Why are you avoiding me then?".

"It's just... It's just that since you were surrounded by your fans I have only been able to see pop star Jordan. And every time I see you all I can hear is their nasty comments". She wouldn't look at me still. Caitlin kept her eyes on the floor. 

" Don't think like that. You're more than that. You're my everything. You are what keeps me here and helps me every day even when you are not here. Don't let them get to you. They are only jealous because they don't have what you have". 

"I am just me. Nothing special".

"You have a sense of humour, natural, big heart not a fake like them". 

" Still me though". 

"You have me".

" I wondered when that would come into it. That's the problem. You". 

"Come on Caitlin, they are just jealous nothing more. You keep me grounded".

" They don't like me because in their eyes I have taken the one thing they dream of". She still wouldn't look at me. "They want this tall, dark, handsome guy I know. I am not ready for this if this is what I am going to have to deal with every time I am with you on your own or with you on tour. I can't deal with it". 

" You're not going to leave me, are you? Just because of what they said. Please don't" I pleaded. I got off the bed and walked up to her. As I got up to her, I was shaking with worry. "Please don't leave because of them. I don't know what I would do if you go". I pulled Caitlin into a hug. 

"Don't J. I'm going with Jenny. See you at the arena for the show. Need some time to myself J". I looked at her confused. " See you at the show". Then she walked out to find Jenny. I think I just felt my heart break into little pieces. I need to get outta here. 

I found myself at the bar again as we did earlier but I am on my own. I sat down on a stool with a hat on my head mainly for the scar on my forehead but also so no one will know I'm here. I sat playing with the glass. Last time I was here with OJ now I am having something stronger. I got JD sat in a glass in front of me. I was just staring at it. 

"It's there to be drunk not to be looked at". A voice behind me. 

" What's it to you?".

"Well, you're rude". I look up and it's the same girl from the train. The one who scratched my neck when she grabbed me. Oh crap. " I know you".

"No, you don't".

" Yes, I do. You have a show soon. You should be with the other members getting ready. I am going to drink my own drink and head over there". 

"That's where you're wrong. I am not who you think I am".

" Where's the girl you were with".

"I don't know who you mean".

" Oh you are on you're own tonight. I guess I will keep you company then". 

"No thanks".

" I will stay". She sits next to me.

Never Alone(Sequel to Back to Life)Where stories live. Discover now