Back in hospital

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So after the show, I get dragged to the hospital by Jon and Vik. I am sat in a private waiting room with Jon and my sons, waiting on going for an x-ray. I have been here for ages. The dull ache is now painful. Maybe cos I am thinking more about it while being bored waiting here. I finished the show a crutch in hand and trying to sit where I can. Jon has a worried look on his face trying not to show it because of the boys. I can see it in his face.

"I will be okay bro".

" How can you say that?" he replies "Have you told Caitlin where you are and why?".

" Nope, not yet. I don't want to worry about her". I look at my phone is 11.55pm. Nearly time for our midnight chat or she calls it midKnight chat. I am so bored I close my eyes. I can picture all the images of when I was in hospital. I open them again.

"You alright J".

I shake my head no " I am remembering most of the time I have been in hospital" I replied, "Here I am again".

Next, my phone is ringing. Caitlin. Oh no she is video calling me this time. I look over at Jon who quickly looks away putting his phone back in his pocket.

" Jon, you have something to do with this".

"I don't know what you mean bro".

" Jon".

"You better answer her".

" Hello".

Where are you?


Why. What happened? Are you ok?

" See Jon. That's why I didn't want to tell her" I said to my brother "Caitlin it's just a precaution".

"What precaution".

" My leg. My head and what's left of my brain is fine". Jon snickers at my joke. But Caitlin looks more worried.

You let me know what's going on OK? I will let you go and get it sorted.

"Please stay. I'm bored. I have been here for a while. Still waiting for an x-ray".

We stayed chatting with each other until the doctor came with a wheelchair to take me to the x-ray. I was there for a while they x-rayed my leg and then spent their time talking to each other the two doctor and not in a language I could understand. Then I was wheeled back to my room to wait until morning for the MRI scan. Now I was getting worried. The nurse who came to check on me while I was back in my room. She noticed the scars on my leg but didn't want to mention them. There was one down the side where they operated to fix my shattered leg. Another was below my knee where the piece of wreckage was wedged in my leg and torso pinning me down. I look up at her with pleading eyes not to mention them. She looked at me and noticed the one on my forehead.

" OK. How are you feeling at the moment?".


" Any pain".

"A little".

" Want anything for it".

"No thanks". She leaves.

" Go to sleep J".

"Are you all going back to the hotel".

" No. We are staying here". I look over at who was in the room. Eric was asleep. And both Jon and Dante were looking tired. "Get some rest and we will find out what's going on in the morning OK". I nod and close my eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I didn't feel like I had enough sleep when I woke up in the morning. I was in the room alone everyone else disappeared. They must have gone for coffee. Thanks for leaving me alone again. Later a nurse came in with a wheelchair to take me for an MRI scan. They still haven't told me about my x-ray. I close my eyes maybe it's not good. I need my brother. Where is he? I start to get worked out, panicking over the outcome of being here. I can't go until I see Jon. I start to grasp as I am having an attack again. This can't be happening my leg has been fine why now? Why can't they tell me what's going on?. Later Jon comes rushing in.

" Breathe J just breathe. Everything is going be OK. Like you said earlier".

"It's not. How can it? They won't tell me. I have to go for a MRI Scan now. I don't know what's going on". I was shaking and sweating. " I'm worried there is something wrong as they won't talk to me".

"When you go for your scan I'll try to find out something". He places a hand on my shoulder. I relax a little. I nod OK. I am still worried. I get taken to my scan while Jon watches me go before he goes. I get taken to this room where the MRI scan machine is in the middle of it. I get given ear muffs to put on while in the machine. I remember it being loud when I was last in it. Same with the CT scan. I feel a little underdressed in a hospital gown. Well here goes. I get told to lie down on the table with my feet pointing to the machine as I am to go in feet first. I relax more now because of that. With CT scan I felt boxed in as you go head first.

"Relax now Jordan. Don't move while in the machine. If you start to worry push the button. We will stop the machine OK".

" OK" I reply. They have good English, then why haven't they told me anyway. I close my eyes while in the machine just to be safe. I start to sing some the hits from the band but I still don't remember any of mine.

"You have an amazing voice Jordan".

" Thank you" I smile.

"Don't move".

" Sorry".

"Nearly done OK Jordan. You holding up OK".

" Yep".

"All done". Then the nurse appeared to help me out and off the table. I hand back the earmuffs. And I go back to my room and wait for the news. I meet Jon and my sons in my room who are there waiting for me. I hop onto the bed. My leg still hurts even now. It doesn't take the doctor to come.

" Right Mr Knight".


" OK, Jordan. We have the results of your x-ray and MRI scan". I'm in a private room so it has its own board to read X-rays. The doctor hangs up the X-rays of my leg. "Here shows a slight stress fracture. I have spoken to your doctor in the States. He sent me old X-rays of your leg before and after the accident. I sent him the recent ones. The stress fracture is by the old break". I looked where he was pointing to. " MRI scan shows a bone infection within the stress fracture if it gets worse you may have consider what they said at the beginning".

"No can't be. It's been fine for nearly two years".

" It can take that for it to surface. We start with antibiotics and you can be discharged. Be careful on the leg. I see you came in with one crutch. I would use two for four weeks to allow it heal OK. I have spoken to your doctor and your everyone is up to date".

"I can't as I'm on tour until July".

" You need to think about yourself J".


" Like the doctor said you need to be careful".

"Or what. I know I have nerve damage with my leg because of the accident and because of an operation".

"You may need an operation later on your patella bone in your knee. The reason your leg gives out is that the bone is not sitting right" the doctor replied, "If the bone infection doesn't clear up or it gets worse, you may lose the leg". I went very quiet, eerie quiet.

" J" replied Jon. He couldn't get a response out of me. He turned to my boys and told them to go and get some food. They left. He looked at me again. "Don't think about the bad. You will be fine".

" How do you know that? I am going to lose my leg. It's not fair. Everyone else is fine then there's me who is going to lose a leg and also has a brain which doesn't work properly". Jon puts a hand on my shoulder as I cover my face with my hands. The tears flow down my face.

"It's going to be alright J".

" No, it's not".

"That's no way to think. Don't think negative bro".



" I SAID GET OUT. I WANT TO BE ALONE". I roll away from him still with the angry tears flowing. This cannot be happening. Why is this happening to me?.

Never Alone(Sequel to Back to Life)Where stories live. Discover now