Tour break: Band together again part two

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Day 5 in the hospital. Hope I get my ticket outta here today. I have had enough of it, being poorly sick as a dog. I thought of what the guys did last night. I will get them when I see them.

"Well, this is a second gig without our fellow brother who is poorly. We thought we will cheer him up tonight. He is watching the show from the comfort of his sick bed. So we are all going to sing Hanging tough to him" he was saying "Ready boys". Then the rest of them came on stage. What are they up to? There was Danny wearing a Batman t-shirt, black leather jacket, and jeans as I did in the I'll be loving you video. Joe was wearing a similar outfit I wore for the Hanging tough video. After he took off the robe, Donnie was wearing the outfit I wearing the last tour during Hard with my jeans jacket. My brother Jon wearing a t-shirt with my name and face on it with jeans. I hid behind my pillow because of the snickers next to me. Wait until tomorrow guys I will get you.

I always get sick on tour. I did on our last one, the one we had the crash. I now don't feel so hot today. Or cold. At the moment I am on my own. I am so bored, I take my phone out which shows no messages. Oh great nobody loves me. I pick up Caitlin's iPod which she left which she is not far from here. I  have a cheeky look through her iPod but I was looking at artists I didn't know, my phone rang.

" Hello".

How are you feeling bro? I see your voice is coming back.

"Yeah, it slowly came back yesterday. Still a bit raspy and croaky".

Hey, we will be there soon to pick you up. What do you want to do on the break?

" I do need to spend... some time with my boys... There's Caitlin... She goes home today...".

Sightsee. Just have a relaxing time. You're still recovering from exhaustion and pneumonia. It may still take a while.
"I know". Cough.

I will see you soon. OK.

"OK". Cough. Sneeze. I hate being sick. " Bye".

Bye baby brother. See you soon.

Then he hung up. I am alone again. I start playing with her iPod. Hey, she has my songs on here, the ones I don't really remember. I find my blue tooth speaker in the first rucksack I was given when here. So I connect it to her iPod and start listening to some of my so-called songs. I try the newer stuff. I remember the last time I listened to my songs with Caitlin.

"You should listen to the lyrics of one of your own songs 'Believe'. Some of the lyrics apply to you". She got her iPod out and found the song and gave me it to listen too. I don't remember that song. Honestly, I don't remember it.

" I don't remember this song". I shuffled to each song and listen to each one "I don't remember any of them". I carried on listening " I definitely don't remember that one. Why am I singing a dirty song like that". I turn it off and give it back.

"You see yourself dancing to that one on YouTube. Unfortunately, I wasn't there for the live show". I shivered at the thought. " Don't worry about it. It will all come back".

It still hasn't. I know the band's songs.

'I was in hospital as normal. But my body was normal size, I was back as my old lean self. Why is that? Jon was asleep in the chair next to me. Wait a minute I was here alone. When did he get here? Wait a minute my arm is in plaster. I reach up to my head and there was a bandage around my head. I was in a nightmare. I knew it. This is real. My leg was feeling like it was fire it hurts so much. Something was going on as there were two doctors coming into the room. Jon was awake by now.

"Are you alright?".

"It hurts so much. It's worse than yesterday".

" That's because it's infected" replied a doctor "We need to operate on it".

" You will be alright J?" replied Jon. He places a hand on my shoulder "You feel hot J.  I will see you when you're back OK". I nodded as I went to have an operation to clear the infection.

Later I came back from my operation but there was no Jon. I feel groggy. My left leg feels strange. It hurts but it feels strange. I look down but I couldn't tell as there were a blanket and something under it covering my legs. I pulled the covers off me. And I screamed...

My left leg had gone. It wasn't there anymore...

 I must have fallen asleep because the next I knew I was wide awake screaming and shaking checking if my left leg was there. I screamed myself awake. I noticed that the guys were back sitting in my room.

"Hey, are you alright J?" asked Donnie. I shook my head and was breathing hard and fast.

"My leg was gone but it's here". My voice was croaky and my throat was sore from screaming.

" You had a nightmare Jordy" replied Jon.

"No, it was real" I replied panicking. 

"No, it was a nightmare". I didn't believe him. " You OK now. We are here for you". He gives me a hug. My body is still trembling from my nightmare. I still don't believe him, it was a nightmare as I feel I'm in one now.  I hug him back. My breathing slowly returns. As I am slowly calming down from the nightmare, Caitlin and my sons came into the room. I was still in my brother's arms when they walked in. Caitlin looked confused and worried. I look up and noticed them there. She comes over and sits on the bed. She looks into my eyes.

"What's wrong?".

" He had a nightmare due to his PTSD".

"No, my leg had gone but it's back".

"J you had a nightmare".

" No, I didn't. I am in one".

"If that is the case then why am I here?" Caitlin replied looking at me holding on my arms.

"I know". I hug her now. Jon moves away. " I am so messed up". I stayed in her arms. Everyone else went out of the room. I fell asleep later because I woke to Caitlin shaking me.

"J, the doctor is here for you".

" Huh". I look up at Caitlin. She was sitting up against the pillows. I was snuggled up against her body.

"How are you feeling today?".

" Better. A little bit better. Not so hot". The doctor checked my temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and then checked my chest and throat.

"You still need to rest up. There is still an infection in your lungs and your throat. Need to carry on with the antibiotics for another 5 days. There is no need for you to be here. Just take it easy. I have spoken to your manager as well".

" I can go".

"Now where did the stressed one guy who thought he was in a nightmare".

" He's getting out of the hospital. Woohoo. Finally". I jumped out and out of bed. But regretted it the moment both feet landed on the floor "Ow". Then tried to walk on my legs.

" J you still have a stress fracture on that leg" replied Jon as he came in.

"I know. Stop reminding me of it". As I grabbed the two crutches to meet up with everybody before Caitlin goes home later. " When your flight Caitlin".


" Great still loads of time" I replied.

"7 hours".

" Back to the hotel then" I replied with a smirk.

"Only for you to rest up". I pouted at that remark.

Later we dropped off Caitlin at the airport for her flight home. The others said goodbye to her at the hotel. There at the airport waving her off was me, Jon, and my two boys. Val came this time to keep us all in check. She even got a hug from my eldest. We watched her go. This time I wasn't a mess watching her go.

" You will see her soon baby brother".

"I know," I said with a smile. I can't wait. I hobbled on the crutches through the airport so we can go back to the hotel to start the two-week break. What are we going to?...

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