Tour: Stockholm, Sweden 2

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It was the Stockholm gig tonight. I woke in the early hours and forgot what happened yesterday. I had wrapped myself around someone. Have I been sleepwalking again and Jon is here? No the person next to me doesn't feel like Jon. More female like. Oh crap, I cheated didn't I? Poor Caitlin. I can't of, I am no cheater. I wriggle against the person to get away but they pull tighter. I wriggle more so much that I fall out of bed with a thud. 

"J are you alright?".

I look up from the floor and there was Caitlin looking down at me. " I am now". I breathe a sigh of relief. 

"What are you doing down there?" She laughed.

"I panicked. I forgot you were here. I panicked thinking I cheated on you. I moved and fell out of bed". 

"Oh J, I know you wouldn't. Are we official now?".

" Yes, would you be my girlfriend and save me from all the stupid things I do or would do. You are my everything and I'll be loving you forever. I am so thankful for what you do for me. You make me feel brand new". I rambled on not making any sense now. I get up from the floor " I know we were sort of together since Manchester but this makes it official now. I want to be with you. I am still not ready to go any further". I look down and avoid any eye contact. 

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend if you be my boyfriend. We will take as long as you need ok Jordan". She wraps her arms around me. I place mine around her waist and pull her in for a kiss. " We still have a couple of hours of sleep left before we get up. You need your rest, J". I smile as I get back in bed and throw the covers over us. I snuggle back into her and close my eyes. A while later I get woken up with an elbow in my stomach.

"You're snoring again," an annoyed Caitlin said.

"Huh," I said sleepily. I fall asleep again. I sleep better when she is near. I hear her groan when I fall asleep again. 

The sunlight shone in through the gaps in curtains as I opened my eyes. I groan and roll over. I am never a morning person. I glance over and notice the other side of the bed was empty. Where did she go? I start to panic: where is she? She didn't leave again, is it me? As I am half out of the bed when I heard the door open. I relaxed when I saw Caitlin come through the door. 

"Where you go?" I replied.

"Just around the hotel and to their gym".

" Why didn't you wake me?".

"You need your sleep, J".

I groan and rolled my eyes. I fell back onto my back on the bed. I watch her come over in her gym clothes and sit down next to me. 

" You're to relax and sleep when you can. The idea is for you to stay stress-free between shows so you are mentally ready for them. You're still recovering even if it's been a year and ten months. It takes a long time to recover from a serious injury as you had".

"Don't remind me" I grumbled closing my eyes. 

"Right sit up J. And remove your t-shirt now". I open my eyes looked at her scared. "I'm going to give you a massage".

" Oh" I breath a sigh of relief. I sit up and remove my t-shirt. She looks at me and sits behind me. Caitlin places her hands on my shoulders. I feel the electric feeling and she does too as she breaths in deeper. She starts to massage my shoulders. 

"You feel tense" she replies as she rubs my shoulders. Boy does this feel good? I moan and close my eyes again. I can feel myself start to relax. I started to lean into her. Caitlin pushed me gently forwards so she had room. But I came back towards her. "You're not helping J".

" Sorry, but it feels so good". As I lean back and kiss her on the lips. Now it's her turn to moan. "You like that" I replied with a grin. I repeat the same motion but I try to move around.

"Stay still Jordan. Don't work if you move to face me" she said with authority. 

"Yes does if I want a kiss," I said cheekily. I moved around to face her.

"Let me finish your massage so we can go and get some breakfast".

" No, only hungry for kisses" As I push her towards the bed. She yelped in shock as she landed onto the bed. I kiss her on the lips again. Then I move down her neck and over her face giving tiny gentle pecks. She moaned again. 

"You need to eat J" she replies "This is not eating".

" I am. I'm eating and tasting you" I say with a smirk. She groaned at my comment. We were like this for a while. Not sure how long until there was a knock on the door. We were too busy kissing each other to notice someone knocking then coming in. 

 "Oh, my eyes

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"Oh, my eyes. I need eye bleach" Joe joked. I looked at Joe.

"Dude don't you knock".

" Duh, I did. Next time lock the door. God knows what I would have walked into". 

"Shut up Joe".

" The reason I am here is Jon says breakfast NOW". I moan. "Get dress J. You can't go like that. You will give the waitresses a show. I look down at myself wearing no top and PJ pants on. I look at myself closer. I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Joe laughed and went out of the room. We are soon ready to join the others for breakfast. We walked over to the table where they were all sitting. They all look up. I sit down next to Jon. 

" J, you dog, " Donnie said and slapped me on the back as I went past. I looked confused "Joe told us". I glared at Joe.

" We didn't do anything" I mumbled. 

"I'm still using eye bleach" smirked Joe.

"Shut up Joe".

" Come on J. I'm getting you back for all the teasing you did when I was 17. I was so innocent and you ruined it". Donnie laughed at Joe's remark.

"Shut up Joe" I replied getting up for some food. I had to get out of there as I could feel my cheeks heat up. I came back with a plate full. I sat down and tuck in not looking at anyone.

 They were getting ready to go to the arena but me. I am confined to my hotel room until 3 hours before the show. I was to just relax. I grumbled something along the lines of this is not fair. I will forget it all. But no one was listening as I got dragged back to my hotel room by Jon and Caitlin. I spent the day trying to watch TV in another language as there was nothing on the English channel they had and some movies on my laptop which I fell asleep too. It might be relaxing but I am dying of boredom here. I want to with the others at the arena going through soundcheck. 

A/n should have the update for the show up tonight. Enjoy this chapter. Please keeping voting amd commenting.  Thank you for reading. 

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