Tour: Stockholm, Sweden

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I was allowed to travel with the group as I had spent two days in bed resting after my attack. My blood test came back which revealed nothing serious but my blood sugar was a little low. My PTSD was the caused of my attacks when I get stressed they come out of nowhere. So no alcohol poisoning or drug-related. I am so going to throw the result in the face of our record label. I am clean. I feel like a child as I am supervised through meals again. They are making sure I am eating properly.

 I am sat on the plane going to Sweden for the next show. They have me on a stress-free programme to prevent me from stressing out again. I feel this is stressing me out. I don't know how they are going to do this during the tour. It's not long for us to land in Sweden as it was only an hour flight. We touch down in Sweden, we all walked through the arrivals first class lounge. Less hassle that way. We found our transport to take us to our hotel for the next two nights. 

We all get checked into our hotel and found our rooms. I walk into my room, I look at the cosy bed. I am so in it soon. I look over to my stuff waiting for me and I notice another suitcase. That's not mine. 

"Hey, Jon I think I have one of your bags," I said to him on the phone.

"Nope" he replied "Not mine. But there is a surprise".

" But there is not enough luggage for my boys. They aren't coming until we get to Rotterdam". I can hear Jon groan.

"You will find out". I was going too as I was talking to Jon I hear the door unlocking. The door opens.

" You can just come in Jon".

"I'm in still in my room," he says on the phone.

"Then who". I turn around with the phone to my ear. I look in horror as the door fully opens and I was ready to attack. As the person comes in my face changes from horror to a beaming smile as Caitlin walks in. " Gotta go Jon".

"I know. Be good and don't do anything stupid you will regret later" he laughed down the phone "I will see you when I get you for dinner". He had something to do with this I know.

" Hey what brings you here" my smile getting bigger by the second.

"Someone sent me a strange text and I was so worried. I had to call their brother to find out what was going on". I walk almost run into her arms. I can still feel the electric spark between us just like the first time we met. " What was the matter?". I shook my head and then buried my head into the crook of her neck wrapping my arms around her. She turned her head so she can kiss my forehead. I smile again before the tears came. "Really what's wrong? You're scaring me again".

I look up at her with teary eyes. "It's just my emotions. I have been really stressed lately. I even cried on my mom the last time I saw her at the airport. I am so happy to see you. You're like my Knight in shining armour which is funny seeing I'm the Knight". I smile at her again with dimples showing. I am sure I heard her groan just now. I kiss her with a gentle kiss.  "How long are you here for?".

"Only until you guys get to Rotterdam, that's what my work is allowing".

" Not long then" I tried not to sound so gutted.

"But I'm here now" she replied "I'm your stress relief. I am to make sure you enjoy yourself and not worry about the tour and what could go wrong". Caitlin looked into my eyes and moved a loose strand of hair from my face. She smiled and reach up to me on tiptoes. She kissed me and wrapped her arms around my neck. " I will look after you for the week I'm here". I smile back. I don't know how long we were standing in each other arms. As Jon knocked and came in. 

"Ready for dinner J". I groan. " Come on. You got to eat. Doctors orders". Caitlin looked at me funny.

"Don't ask?" I said as I took her hand and followed Jon to the others. 

"I'm not dressed for dinner".

" You're fine. Neither am I?". I smile at her. 

We all get to a restaurant and sit down at a table large enough for our group. I am sat between Jon and Caitlin. Donnie and Joe sat opposite me for the same reason is Danny is sat opposite Jon. They are ganging up on me so I do what the doctor told me to do. I feel like a little kid. 

"Come on guys allow me to choose my own meal".

" Not happening, J" replied Donnie. I grumble something under my breath.

"What was that?" replied Jon next to me. 

"Stop treating me like a kid. It's my birthday in a few days and I'm going to be 49". I said it a little too loud and angry. " I can order and choose my own food". I slammed a fist down maybe a little too hard as Caitlin jumped next to me. Joe stood up quickly and gave me a menu. 

"Thank you, Joe. At least someone is considerate". I looked through the menu trying to choose something. 

"We are too. We are making sure you don't miss meals. When you miss meals it affects your anxiety as your blood sugar level gets low and it sends the same symptoms as anxiety" replied Donnie. We all look at him weirdly "I listen. The doctor told us that the other night".

We soon were eating our food. I wish everyone would stop looking at me to make sure I was eating. Even Vick and Jared were watching me. I keep looking down at my food trying not to look at any of them. I calm down a bit as I feel a hand on my knee from my right which was Caitlin. She was doing what Jon does calming me down. I can tell she is feeling a little-overwhelmed being with us as a big group. I place a hand on her knee and I can feel her relax. 

I whisper to her " Shall we go back and watch a movie".

"Yes, but won't it be in Swedish".

" Not on my laptop". She nods. I get up and put some money on the table. "We are going back to watch a movie".

" Great movie night" yells Joe. But gets a whack on the head of the head.

"Not you".

" Oh. They are not watching movies. They are going to make one. He's back to his old ways. Oww".

"Shut up Joe". I was getting annoyed.

" Remember the cruise, Joe. What we did we say about the three creatures" replied Donnie.

"Oh, yea" as he suddenly remembers "The old Jordan creature is a scared creature. The Jon creature is violent. But the Knight creatures stand up for each other". Jon and I glare at him " See they are doing it now". 

"We are going now, Caitlin. Come on. Let's get away from these crazy people" I replied as I go to leave. 

"Don't have an all-nighter. We need you bushy tail for the show tomorrow night".

Vick went with us back to the hotel. Caitlin and I settled for a movie but it wasn't long for me to fall asleep. I am glad she is here with me as I snuggle into her side as she carries on watching the movie. 

Never Alone(Sequel to Back to Life)Where stories live. Discover now