Tour rehearsal 3

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Today is the day we are using and playing around with the stage. I haven't had a wink of sleep last night. I am so worn out because of it. I spent the night worrying about it. Dreaming of fucking it up and it turns into the actual tour and I mess up in front of all the fans. I walked into the big warehouse we were using and there was the stage already for us to use. It was different than the last tour but still, all the nervous feelings are flooding out. I couldn't this so I spun around as quickly and quietly I could and I got out of there. As I got outside I found somewhere to sit down. If I went back to my car they would have found me easily. So I sat on the grass looking away from the warehouse. I put my head on my knees and wrapped my arms around my knees. Then a Starbucks coffee cup came in front of me. I smiled as I grabbed it and took a sip, vanilla latte.

"I thought you might need that, I got that on the way here". I looked up to who was talking to me there was Jon standing there " Are you OK? You seemed to have gotten outta there plenty fast". 

"I didn't get any sleep last night worrying about it. If I did get to sleep it was only to dream about messing it up and it got worse and became the tour with our fans there. It had the feel of these dreams where you stand in front of your class and you realise that you have no clothes on. It was like that".

" They would have loved that" he chuckled "I can just see that as they storm the stage to get you". He laughed harder. "Oww" I hit him in the arm cos he sat down next to me "I used to have those dreams. Mine got so bad I didn't know if they were in reality or not. We will help you through it". 

" Maybe I will just sit out the whole tour. Oww". It was his turn to hit me this time.

"Don't you ever say that, J".

" Why not it's true. I am only going to mess up the whole thing. I find it hard to learn the routines or to remember the songs. I tire easily even though I am fit. My left leg is strapped up to support it". I wait to hear his response but he is quiet at the moment but is playing on his phone.

Emergency again 😣. Come outside and bring food. We're gonna need it 😉

We sat there in quiet, I looked down at my hands and started playing with them. Then suddenly there was a lot of noise behind us. I turned around and Donnie and co coming out with food.

"Whats going on Jon?" 

"What gives? I was in the middle of something"

Jon didn't say anything he just pointed to me sitting next to him. They all knew what was going on and the bickering stopped just like that. We sat in our little circle with a couple of guards nearby. My phone starts pinging messages at me. Family chat, you just have to love it.

D: Uncle Jon says you are having doubts about the tour again.

D: I will be there for the weekend Dad

E: We help you

E: Dad, don't you leave the group 

D: You will miss it too much 

E: It's your life and you love it

J: Don't tell me what to do. Aren't you guys supposed to be in lessons and lectures?

D: It's lunchtime 😁

J: Then go be with your friends and stop harassing your dad

E: We are only trying to help

J: I don't need help

Jon: 😂😂😂😂

J: Jon this is nothing to do with you. 

Jon: It's Jon's phone but I am Donnie 😜

J: Will everyone, just leave me alone. End of the decision.

I turn my phone off and go back to eating. Donnie puts Jon's phone down and starts to play with his. I pull my Red Sox baseball cap down further over my eyes as I know he is on Facebook live. I try to avoid any eye contact. I can hear him in the background. Can they all leave me alone?

'Here we are on break from mixing up the tour for all of you. We are all here, as you can see, we have a replacement member for today. He is a little shy so he hides behind his baseball cap'

He stops talking as he and Joe are reading the comments underneath. They start to snicker and laugh because of Donnie's joke about me has got a lot of fans worried.

'Don't worry he is here' Donnie reaches over and grabs the hat off my head.
'See he is here' replies Joe next to him. Danny and Jon look at each other because they know what is going to happen next as they could see the look on my face. I stood up and grabbed my hat back from Donnie angrily and stormed off. It wasn't until they played back the feed, they knew why I stormed off. As Donnie had pulled my hat off, it messed up my hair which revealed my scar on my forehead. Jon glared at Donnie with the look 'How could you upset my baby brother like that. This time you will not get away with it'. He got up to go and find me. 

"Really done it this time D. I wonder if either of them is going to talk to you again" 

"Shut up Joe. It's not like any of your jokes have not upset anyone before"

"I know when to stop" 

"Really you could have just tipped his hat up over his eyes instead of pulling it off. You know he is still sensitive about that scar on his head". Ding goes Donnie's phone.



This is all your fault, Donnie


Luckily his car is still here. So you are not out f the woods by a long shot

They all leapt to their feet and separate to go and find me. The only problem is that the warehouse is huge I could be anywhere. 

A/n  Are they going to find Jordan????

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