Tour break: band together again part one

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Day 4 for me in hospital. My temperature is still 102. You could say I am the hottest member of the band. They just think I'm delusional and it must be my fever. The band is in Belgium for tonight so another one without me. Here I am laying here in the hospital sick as a dog. I open my eyes and there is no one in the room with me. I close them again. I feel cold so I open my eyes to look for the blankets. I then get out of bed and land on both feet. Pain shoots up the left leg. Damn that hurt. I remember what Jon said. I ran on it hard and I have a stress fracture on it. Stupid me. I gather some blankets and cover my empty bed with them. I still wearing clean clothes Jon left me. Well their not clean now with my sweaty ass wearing them. I'm still wearing a sweatshirt, my Pats sweatshirt even though I go from being cold to being burning hot.

Wonder when I'm out I guess I will find out on Wednesday. I still feel rough and still attached to everything. The guys are more worried about my voice and if the label finds out it's going to be worse. I still have no voice. Little squeaky one words came out yesterday talking to Caitlin but nothing yet all though no one is here to talk to me. I close my eyes and wait for any visitors. Soon I hear the door go. My bed moves as someone gets in and hugs me. I open my eyes there are my two sons, one hugging me.

"How are you feeling dad?".

Ok, a little rough but fine I wanted to say but nothing came out so I wrote it down again.

They were telling me about their exploration of Paris. Both of them were showing me photos of where they have been. I was stuck in the hospital and couldn't be there with them. My sons were supposed to have fun with me this summer to help me relax through the tour but it hasn't worked because I ended up in the hospital sick as a dog with exhaustion and pneumonia. They have been here for a while. Eric is sitting on my bed next to me.  Dante was sitting in the chair. The nurse came in to check my vitals and temperature. My heart rate was back to normal so the paddles were removed and the drip was removed. I am starting to look normal again as not attached to any tubes or machines. It's just me trying to breathe with no help. My lungs hurt like hell. I'm still on antibiotics though.

" When..." I squeak a word again "Out".

"Tomorrow. The doctor wants to look you over tomorrow before he discharges you".

" There's no tour for two weeks, dad".

 "I know" I squeak pointing to my copy of the schedule on the table next to me. I have to get over this cold and get my voice back before they allow me back on stage. It's slowly coming back in bits but not enough to sing though. The nurse went not long ago.

Later Caitlin came into my room. She noticed my sons were there too. She looked a little scared that they were there.

"I will come back later".

" Stay... Please" I croak.

"No, I'll go and let you have family time".

She goes to walk out of the room but my youngest leaps off the bed and runs to her.

" Please don't go. You make my dad happy. Can you stay?". I can see she wants to hug him but she isn't sure on them still. He grabs her hand and tries to bring her back. Caitlin still not sure. But there is more interaction between Caitlin and Eric. Not so much with DJ maybe cos he is older and is an adult. I hope they would get on for me. " Can you stay for my dad? He's not well. You can even have my seat. I was sat there" he pointed to the spot next to me.

"No, you can sit there. The chair will be fine for me". She looks at me " How are you feeling? I see you are not attached to anything now". I give her the thumbs up. "What still no voice hey Jordan. I like this quiet J. So much easier and quieter not to have to hear any complaining". There was a snicker behind a textbook sitting on the other chair. I guess that's a start for their interaction. Caitlin still felt unease here in the room with my sons just like when I made her meet them before she went home. Caitlin was just standing not being comfortable with my sons there holding in her hand was my rucksack. I guess more clothes. She passes me the bag. I take it and look inside.

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