Last gig of the European leg

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Well, what happened to get to this point in my life. Well, I came out of the hospital had rest for about two weeks as the tour got pushed back. The first week I was confined to the hotel and my room. In the second week of my break, we did some sightseeing and my boys showed their sick dad on crutches the sights of the city of Paris. That was fun trying to move with crutches and a plastic boot on your foot. I wore that for the two weeks we had off. I am still feeling the effects of my pneumonia with a cough and wheezing. I have an inhaler to help me when I have a shortness of breath.

Then once the two weeks were over we did shows in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Austria. We are now in Dublin, Ireland. This is the last one. Then we get a break then it's onto OZ and Asia with the cruise in between. I am standing on the empty stage looking out, still a bit sick. But I want to do this. My voice is back as it was before I was sick. They wouldn't let me sing my high parts until the first show in Germany just in case it wasn't strong enough. My voice has been ok. But it's my breathing that I worry as I would like I have asthma. My tour doctor said it can take 3 months to clear and another 3 months for it to clear completely. Well, I did have a nasty bout of pneumonia and exhaustion. I was hospitalised so I should cut myself some slack. However, I am clear of the stress fracture on my dodgy left leg. I have an operation on my knee in September ready for the start of the next part of the tour in October.

Well anyway, I am standing on the stage starting out to the empty seats. And the old anxiety is back. I only just about survived the European leg still the rest of the tour to do. We break in between to help us all but I think it's to mainly help me. It's been 2 years since our accident and I am still feeling the effects of it.  I am the only one no one else is. Just me. I don't know why I'm standing here it's not like it's soundcheck yet. That's two hours away. My boys have gone home as I am going to spend some time with Caitlin from tomorrow. She doesn't know I'm coming early as she thinks I'm going home first. Now that's why the doubt is back as I'm alone without my boys here. They have helped a lot keeping me sane and relaxed. I pick my phone out of the pocket of my jeans. My screensaver is a photo of me and Caitlin on my hospital bed. I looked rough with a tube to my nose. After tomorrow I wanna new photo not one of me in hospital. I look through the photos of the last of my rest break. I sit on the edge of the stage looking really through all the photos of Paris. There are some photos with me into crutches and all. Oh, great reminders.

Ding. Message.

How are you doing?. Can't wait for a weeks time?

I smile. I will see you, tomorrow baby.

Yea. Alright. Still wheezing and coughing.

My poor baby 😂


Where are you now?. How long to the show?

We are in Dublin and have 4 hours to go.

Go and rest up for the show.

Yes mom 🤪

That was the last text I got. I look at my quiet phone. I walk back to where the others are goofing around and getting ready.

"Where have you been?".

" Just walking around the arena and stage".

"Are you alright?".

" Yeah".

"Are you sure?".

" Yep".

"How's your chest?".

"It's fine. See". I lift my t-shirt up. 


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