Jordan's accident 3

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Time to leave the hospital after my stupid stunt. I am still a bit sore. I still have two black eyes from where I broke my nose. I hope my sunglasses hide them. My lift will be here soon, better get ready. My phone dings a message.

Will be there in ten minutes

I smile to myself of an idea in my head. I go to the bathroom. I sit there waiting for whoever. It was not long for them to come. 

"Yo J, you ready" yelled Donnie. He is so loud I could hear him in the bathroom with the door shut. I hear the door open fully. "Hey J. You .... ". I could tell he's worried in his voice. " Jordan, where are you?. Jon is going to flip if you have disappeared again. JON I NEED YOU". Oh crap.

"What is it, Donnie? What does he need help?".

" No, nothing like that". 

"What is it then?"

"Maybe you need to come in".

" Why what's he done now?" I hear Jon come in. "What's wrong?" 

"Well he's not here, that's what".

" WHAT?" I could tell he's getting mad. "WHERE IS HE?".

"Gone I think. The bed is made like no one has been here and his stuff is gone". 

" He can't of gone" he replied, "Where the hell is he?". I feel like a kid hiding away. I chuckle to myself in the bathroom. 

" Right I'm going to find a nurse to find out if he's gone or not". I heard the door go.

"Hey J, I know you're here. So you might as well show your goofy face. He's not happy and has gone" replied Donnie "He's gonna kill you, you know". I know he is looking at the bathroom door. I pick up my bag and walk out of the bathroom with a grin on my face. "He's so gonna kill you J". I shrugged. I needed some fun before I have to sit out for a week. I can't believe they are making me sit out. I am fine just sore as I am bruised. 

"You look really handsome with your black eyes J" he chuckles.

"What about you and your black eye?".

" Mark would be proud of your fighting skills but not on his older brother".

"THAT'S IT, I AM GONNA KILL HIM". Both Donnie and I stopped goofing as Jon walked in but he didn't notice me yet. " They say he is still here. I know he was moaning about having a week off but it's for his own good. One day he may realise we are just looking out for him. I wish he'd stop acting childish". Donnie moved out the way because where he was standing Jon couldn't see me. Then I was there standing in front of him. I swear he just growled at me.

"Right I'm off then" replied Donnie.

"Please don't leave me and I need you as a witness" I replied scared. Donnie was laughing at me as Jon our quiet and gentle brother looked like he was seriously gonna kill me. 

"Let's go home then". Jon just walked out without looking or talking to me. I just stood there in shock. Donnie said shall we go with the nod of his head. I took a deep breath and half smiled. We both walked out of the room. 

" Maybe I need to rent that room as I been here too many times in the hospital". Donnie laughed at my joke as we walked to catch with Jon. I covered my eyes with my sunglasses. We caught up with Jon when we reached his car. Fear washed over me as I saw the car as I have been in two accidents in nearly 2 years. I was standing there shaking and sweating. But they didn't notice until they got into the car but I was still outside. 

"J are you coming?".


"Yo Jordan". Both of them got out and turned around facing my direction.

"What's wrong?". Jon realised when he saw the look on my face like a deer in headlights. "Alright?".

"No" I shook my head. As I was standing there every memory of the bus accident flashed in my eyes. I closed my eyes tightly and placed my hands on my head trying to get rid of the memories. There I had been so happy so playful and joking now I am a scared and nervous wreck. I was trembling in the middle of the hospital car park. I look like I was going to pass out any moment soon. Donnie grabbed me to steady me. Both made me sit on the kerb until it passed. Both of them looking worried about how I was going to get home. I know what they are thinking as I am thinking it too. I have gone backwards all because of a stupid judgment.

I got to think before I act now because all mixed up emotions. I don't know what is real and what is not. I am never going to recover, am I?. I look at both of them as I stood up shakily and wobbled my way to the car. I am taking so long to do this as I keep stopping in fear and try again. I made my way shutting my eyes when I got there. I was breathing erratically . Donnie sat in the back with me. I calm down a bit during the ride. I was still trembling when we got home.

"So proud of you little brother. That must have been hard. If you get to do that then you should be able to do the tour". He hugged me feeling my trembles as I was shaking in fear and anxieties. "Take it a day at a time. Ok". I nodded and then walked off well wobbled towards the house where my youngest came out the house with my mom as she brought Eric over from school. He took my hand and walked me towards the house to rest for the next week. I got spoilt by mom, always have because I was the youngest, the baby of the family. 

A/n Well writing this one up on the ferry from Roscoff, France to Plymouth, England. The English Channel is a bit rough today. 🤢. Gale force winds 🌬🌬 Back from holiday now. 

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