After the operation 2

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It was the day after I came out of the hospital and Caitlin appeared. Now I was in my bathroom looking in the mirror while resting on my crutches. I was trying to tell if I'm started to go grey yet. I am pulling my hair by my ears trying to work it out. I was too busy that I didn't hear Caitlin call me. With all the stress I have had the last two years I should have turned grey by now. I'm still looking in the mirror pulling at any hairs that I think are grey or it is just the light shining on my head. I stopped what I was doing when I realised my stupid scar on my forehead was staring back at me. Even though my hair is a little longer it still shows. I'm still in the bathroom when I hear Caitlin again.

"J, are you in here" I hear the creak of the door. "It's a mess in here. You know yesterdays socks go in the hamper. Eww same with yesterdays boxers. Don't you ever clean. Or do you just leave your dirty laundry on the bedroom floor? So it can walk on its own to the washing machine". I hear her cleaning up in there. " What have I let myself in for".

I can hear her moaning about my dirty laundry in the bathroom. I run my left hand through my hair trying to make sense of my messy hair. And once again my scar is staring at me. I have money I could always have plastic surgery on them to get rid of them. No, I don't want to be that person. They are part of me now, memories of what I have been through the last couple of years. I stare at the brown-eyed and dark brown-haired guy staring at me. I look rough again unrecognizable as me. It could be because I'm back in sweat pants and a t-shirt again.

"What are you doing in there?".

I smile at myself "Wouldnt you like to know" I call back.

"I know you are hiding. I will find that scrapbook or your diary if you don't come out". I come out of the bathroom hobbling on my crutches.

" You wouldn't dare".

"Want to bet on that" she replied.

" That's got in my all my secrets in there".

"I wonder how much it would go for?".

" You wouldn't dare". I can see it in her eyes she is teasing me.

"Or will I find a notebook with new music in it".

" Nope like I said I haven't had any motivation to write since the accident. I tried but failed".

Caitlin sat on my bed looking at me standing there on my crutches. I try to hide the pain in my knee but I knew I failed miserably by the way she was looking at me. I haven't taken any more of the meds. Because they made me feel funny yesterday. Now that could be with the general anesthetic with the extra pain meds but also because of my OD last year.

' "Where did the quiet scared Jordan go?".
" Long gone baby" I purr.
"You're what we call high as a kite".
" Huh!".
" No, I am not," I said, "Maybe on love".
" You're delusional".
" What pain meds are you on?".
I shrug "Don't know. Just got given them and told to take them".
" Sure that happened. You're not having any until you're better. Anyway, can you move I'm hungry? I need some food".
" Please move".
"I have sausage here," I say playfully while moving her hand to my shorts.
" But you said you're hungry and I want some".
"Jordan" as she whacks my arm again. 
"Oww my knee".
" Really. I'm again nowhere near your knee".
"But it hurts".
" Then you are definitely not getting some".
"But my pony needs riding. He's all saddled up".
" Jordan Nathaniel Marcel" she moaned "You're groggy from the pain meds you're taking".
"Nah I'm fine". I yawned.'

" You alright there, J," she asked me.

I wake from my daydream. "Yeah".

" You don't sound so sure. Is it your knee" she says "Take some pain meds".

" I can't. They made me feel funny yesterday".

"That was the affects of the operation as well".

" And something else".

"Like what".

" I don't wanna say". She gets up and walks over to me.

"Why not?" as she wraps her arms around me

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"Why not?" as she wraps her arms around me.

"Too many memories".

" Thinking of which, since you read my journal from Cruise X and the tour. I would like to see that scrapbook your youngest son did. He told me about it".

"He would, wouldn't he?". I sighed and then nodded " It's in the drawer by the window with five journals".

"Are you sure?" Caitlin replies.

"Sort of. But you will keep asking and I did read yours".

" You were curious what a fan thought of you on the cruises and tours after you guys bus accident". I shiver at the thought. I still have problems now even someone says the words accident or crash. I tremble at the thought.

"But no one outside our family and band family has read or seen pictures of it".

" I understand you guys wanted to keep it private so you all can recover," Caitlin says "All we knew was that you all had an accident and everything was kept private. We were thanked for our good wishes and messages".

" But you are part of the family now".

"Am I?".

" Yep you are" I lean over and a peck on the lips. "Go and get them and we will sit on the decking and look at them". I hobble off on my crutches. I can tell she is looking back at me. " I know you're staring at my ass. Take a picture it will last longer".

"Oh, I have one from Cruise X. It's been by my bed ever since".

" Oh do you?". I look back at her.

"Yep and ever since the Manchester gig, I kiss it every night".

I nearly fall over on crutches when she said that.

" Careful Jordan"...

A/n A couple more chapters on this and one big cliffhanger to finish. The photos are a taster of Caitlin is going to see in the next chapter or two. 

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