Tour rehearsal 5

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Joe: Look J I know you are upset and angry at us. I understand that but Jon is so worried about you. He's having a panic attack. Please come back.

Me being a caring younger brother won on top of angry me. Poor Jon has helped me the last year or so with my own panic attacks. I better go and check on him. I am usually the only one that can calm him down. I hope Joe is coping with it. Hey, he stopped me from dying so a panic attack is nothing compared to that. I stood up from sitting on the floor of my hiding place. From where I sat I could hear them calling for me. They didn't realize that I was under the stage for the last two hours. When I came out I found Joe and Jon sitting on the stage. I jumped up onto the stage and I walked towards them. Jon is still in the middle of his attack. 

"Finally you came to your senses J". Joe saw me. 

Jon looked up straight into my eyes. There was an annoyed look on his face in between gasps of breath. 

" You can't run from your problems". 

I sat in front of Jon who still had an annoyed look on his face. His eyes were staring right into mine with annoyance so much that they were burning into mine. Everyone thinks my eyes do it but at his are worse at the moment even if they are a lighter color to mine. 

"Oww". He must be feeling better now as he is hitting me.

"Don't ever do that again? I was so worried sick that you disappeared. I didn't know where you were. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?".

"Nowhere" I replied "Oww. Stop that Jon"

" Really. I know when you're lying, Jordan". 

"I was around". 

"Wanna try again. Because we looked everywhere for you". 

" Like I said I was around". 

"Jordan Nathaniel Marcel knight  "

"Using my full name as if you are telling a child off". 

" I will treat you like one if you act like one" I glared at him "See what I mean. Just tell me where you been as you disappearing was the cause of my attack. The world doesn't revolve around you know. So WHERE WERE YOU?".

I refused to tell him. I looked away. Jon was now getting angry himself.

"JORDAN STOP BEING A BRAT. You are not the only one with problems. You can't run away from them. Tell where you were hiding the last two hours".

"Stop treating me like a child"

"Stop acting like one then".

Joe stepped away knowing full well to stay away from a brotherly fight. I stood up and walked away.

" Don't you dare walk away. We are not done". I turned around.

"Yes, we are" I yelled back "I should have stayed where I was. I'm going as I know I am not wanted here". I walked off.

"Please don't walk away. I need you. If you leave and disappear I don't know what I would do".
I still carry on walking away. Joe is watching us. " Please come back J".

I can hear the vulnerability in his voice. He started gasping breaths again. Way to go J, causing him to have another panic attack. Some brother you are. I turn around and run back at him. I fell to my knees in front of him.

"Breathe in Jon nice and deep and slowly out again. I am sorry to make you have another attack. I am so sorry I disappeared. I needed to be on my own. I needed to calm myself down before I did something so stupid again".

I wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me when he realised I was sobbing. My emotions are still mixed up. They say its years before they will come back properly. I felt like I was 9 again where I fell off my bike and I ran to Jon to cry on him. Everyone else would have laughed at me because I was the youngest but he didn't.

" I am not mad at you and I am sorry too. J, where do you, go?"

"I was under the stage hiding away from everyone. I was in the part where we do all the changes".

Both Danny and Donnie turn up. And stood next to Joe.

" We still couldn't find him" replied Donnie. Joe nudged him and pointed to me.

"When did he turn up and where?".

" Not long ago but not sure as he just appeared from nowhere". I could hear voices behind us. I wiped my eyes and composed myself getting up and turning around to face them. I stood and turned around to face them. I went from sobbing my eyes to anger. When I saw him I saw red. I moved so fast he didn't have time to react. My fist connected with his jaw and then I tackled him to the floor. I got another fist to his face. His movie star brother, Mark would be proud of my fighting skills But not on his brother even though he deserved it.

"That's for taking my hat in front of everyone and revealing my scar. That's for the panic attack Jon had, caused by you not me" I yelled.


"Jordan no"

"Stop it. I can't believe that you are doing that. It's so adolescent". I got up from sitting on top of him. I was shaking with anger, my hands were clenched by my sides. I stormed off towards my car. They all looked at each other shocked.

" Hell no" replied Donnie who blood pouring out of his nose "He can't drive angry. I lost a friend that way".

" I will go after him" replied Jon "I hope he listens to me". He ran off towards me.

" Well he didn't earlier when you two were fighting," said Joe.

They watch hoping Jon would catch up with me before I drove off. Too late they heard the car door slam and the engine started up. Jon couldn't do much but watch me drove off with tires screeching. The last thing I remember is honking and tires screeching and then a loud bang. 

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