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Another chapter?!?!?!

Indeed it is!!


Yooooo I made a YouTube channel!! I uploaded one thing though lolol.

It's an AMV

My YouTube channel is: Bloomatea

No space between Blooma and tea.

Instagram: anime_fondness
And Bloomatea


I laid in my bed thinking of a plan, the others were in. Although, Carissa texted Mercedes about the whole ordeal and she seemed hesitant at first but agreed to join nonetheless so at least I have some numbers.

I sat up in my bed, it was around 10 pm- the moon was out.

I glanced around until my door opened revealing my mother, she's been checking up on me lately since the incidents- my father did as well.

"Is everything alright?" The same old question, it's a never ending cycle.

"Yea" I replied as I gave her a reassuring smile, this seemed to ease her mind a bit.

I feel bad for my parents, it must be hard to know your own child is in danger and you couldn't exactly get help.

If I had a kid and this was happening to them and I couldn't do anything I would feel so horrible, I would want to protect my kid but I knew I couldn't anything which sucks.

I would feel powerless.

My parents must feel this and it just brings me sadness to know that this was my doing- not entirely but I have a part to play in it. So I need to take some of the blame and responsibility.

She smiled at me and gently closed the door, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I laid back down in my bed thinking of different ways to get to Carrah- to get to this, this, thing.

If what Liu says is true then one of my options is using myself as bait. Instead of going towards it, I'll just have it come to me.

I'll play it's stupid game and I'm going to win.

I have to, I needed to.

I have no room for failure.

If I can somehow manage to use myself as bait, I can then lure him, or someone that works under him, out of hiding and ambush them.

I'll have my friends in specific places waiting to ambush, hopefully it will work. Once we get it or someone that works for it we can find Carrah.

Now another problem, timing.

When and where can I make this happen and fit everyone's schedule without grownups knowing, I would ask my parents but they made their point very clear. They didn't want me doing dangerous things to get Carrah back, they want to leave.

I guess that's understandable for them, I can see their point of view but regardless of their views I needed to get her back.

Part of this is my fault, it wanted me but took my friend as bait.

I will get her back.

Maybe, just maybe, I could get Carrah's sister to come along with the plan and her bestfriend. I don't know her bestfriend or sister very well since her bestfriend goes to a different school and I never really talked to her sister but I'm sure they want to get her back as well.

I'll talk to kas to get Carrah's sisters number and Carrah's bestfriends number.

Then I'll see if they wanna join my plan, hopefully one of them would join if not both- more people the better for this plan.

I closed my eyes thinking of different scenarios, different ways I could pull this off with everyone back home safe and sound.

Nothing really comes to mind other then the plan I had hatched just a few moments ago.

Hopefully it will work.

For now though, I needed to get ready for bed.

The next day came quick, the school day passed by fast and thankfully I ran into kas during lunch.

I pulled her aside and ask for Carrah's sisters number- which I found out her sisters name is Crystal, apparently they are both in the same grade but Crystal is 11 months older then Carrah.

That's good to know I suppose.

Well enough with the information, I got what I needed- now I needed Carrah's bestfriends number.

Unfortunately, Kaspien didn't have her number but instead she had her Instagram and Snapchat.

I took both (hopefully you have one of the two, if not then.. Oof pretend).

Turns out her name is Emma, good to know.

I thanked her and I started to think of ways to approach Crystal and Emma about the touchy subject, I'm sure they are both still grieving heavily over the loss.

I'm sure if I said, "hey, I know your sister/bestfriend is missing and all but I have a plan that will bring her back! Just don't tell the cops or adults and it will be good!" They will think I'm crazy or think it's some twisted joke.

I need to approach this subject with care.

So the rest of the day I just thought of different wants to explain to them about who I am and what I planned on doing to get Carrah back.

Hopefully this doesn't back fire on me, if it does then I'm screwed.

It's all or nothing.

Before I knew it, it was night time and I was prepared for bed.

My father came in to check up on me tonight and left.

I laid in my bed thinking of everything.

I turned a bit in my bed from the overthinking and because I wasn't comfortable in my position.

I sighed a bit and finally got somewhat comfortable. I closed my eyes and started to drift to the dreamland.

Before I could fully fall asleep I heard my window opening.

Well fuck.

You like? Lolol

Time for the fun parts! Maybe, I don't know.

I realized this book has so many chapters and shit, like damn. I need to get to the point >.>

I over do shit, sorry!!

But hopefully you like the build up XD


who do You think it is???

Lolol love you all!! Biaz!!

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