Chapter 20

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Jennie have master the art of multitasking as she squeeze herself between people while both her hands are occupied with a coffeepot on the left and a tray on the right. But she almost tipped over when someone unexpectedly took the tray off her hand.

"Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" Jeongyeon nudge Jennie, signaling her to turn towards the door.

And a smile played in Jennie's lips as she sees her cute baseball player swinging her duffel bag behind her shoulder as she walks inside the coffeeshop.

"Go..." Jeongyeon kicks Jennie's on the behind pushing Jennie towards the waiting girl.

"Thanks Unnie..."

Lisa smiles shyly waving at Jennie, and Jennie couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. She wasn't used to a shy Lisa but she always finds that side of Lisa the cutest. Jennie signals Lisa to wait as she grabs her stuff and Lisa sits at the booth, like an eager puppy waiting patiently for her master.

No one can believe the Goddess Lisa Manoban is even capable of waiting, but here she was willing to wait forever for her girl.

The two tried not to be showy when they're in public, but no matter how hard they try to cover it up. People around them have already let their imaginations and their mouths run out on Lisa Manoban and the new girl.


And it didn't even take more than an hour for their love story to be conversation starter for everyone.

"My God! Lisa Manoban is fast..."

"But you have to admit the girl is very beautiful."

"Pfff... When did Lisa ever pick just an ordinary girl?"

"I know, that new girl just came out and Lisa-shii is all over her already."

"Anyone want to bet how long they would last?"

"Yup... Knowing Lisa-shii, the moment she band this Jennie girl, she'll be just another name in Lisa's list."


"Stop!" Jennie warns Lisa between her loud laugh, Lisa was in her tickling mood again. "You need to behave yourself." Jennie slaps Lisa in the arm as the girl just tackled her in bed.

"Sorry..." Lisa smiles mischievously while kissing Jennie on the forehead.

"No... You're not.."

"You're right... I'm not." and the room was filled with Jennie's laughter again as Lisa assulted her with tickles before Lisa behaved herself and settled on the spot beside Jennie. Lisa intertwines their fingers together and snuggles closer. "I'm sorry if we don't go out on dates too much."

Jennie smiles appreciate at Lisa before pecking Lisa's perfect nose. "What we have here, Lisa is just perfect."

And Jennie wasn't lying at first she dreams of being in a relationship where she would be swept to different worlds. But being with Lisa made her realize that it wasn't really the place that could make her heart beat like crazy, it's the person she's with. And Lisa could make her heart beat out of its place yet at the same time make it skip a bet. And Jennie always wonder can she make Lisa's heart match hers?

"So, did you tell Jeongyeon about us?"

"No... I think she just figured it out. Cause I kinda talk about you a lot" Jennie admitted shyly. "But she never pry or anything, she's actually one of those people who is just very nice for no reason."

"Really? She doesn't like you that way, right?" Lisa ask her cautiously and with a hint of jealousy.

"Oh no..." Jennie shakes her head. "She's very loyal to Tzuyu-shii"

Gemini (Jenlisa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora