Chapter 39

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After weeks of tears and loneliness, Jennie never felt as excited as she is right now. She rushed home, clutching the phonecard that she bought, hoping she surprise Lisa with a phone call.

Lisa and the other players were in the huddle while in the middle of their coach lecturing, her phone starts ringing. And she felt all eyes on her, some looking at her in amusement while some scoffing smugly.

"Shut that up!"

Lisa bows down "Ummm... Yes sir."

Lisa rushed out of the field, hurriedly picking up her phone.

"Why did you call?"

And if Lisa could have seen the way Jennie's smile disappearing from her face, she would have wished she could turn the time back.

"I'm sorry, Lili. Is it a bad time?"

"I'm in a meeting with the coach."


Jennie just stares blackly at the phone card before laying it back in the table along with the other phone cards she bought that day.

"I'm sorry Lili, I'll call you later."

"No. Don't."

And Jennie's heart kept breaking.

"I'll call you, okay?"

"Ok... Bye..."



But Lisa never did... It's not that she doesn't want to call, she always promise herself she will but she have been beat up and worn out beyond repair. That the moment she fell on her bed, she'll drift off to sleep, dreaming of her and Jennie, cursing when the alarm clock would taunt her back to reality again.

And phone calls have become a luxury and just when Lisa found the time to call...

"Nini... I tried calling you and you wouldn't pick up!"

"I was in clinicals."

Missing Jennie have became so frustrating for Lisa that it starting to anger her. Unfortunately, there was no one to vend all that anger on but on Jennie.

"Yeah whatever!" Lisa hissed.

"Lili, I was in class. I couldn't just skip class so I can talk to you!" Jennie tried to be reasonable, calming herself before she could say words that might hurt Lisa too.

"Well, I would." Lisa snaps back.

"Lili please..."

"What? What Jennie?!"

Jennie sighs heavily. "How was your day?"

And by the sound of patience in Jennie's voice was enough to bury Lisa in guilt. Jennie was suffering too, yet here she is making it worse than it already is.

"I can't... I can't talk right now..."

"But..." Jennie reasons out.

But before Lisa could explode on Jennie some more, she clicks the phone.


It didn't even take Lisa a second and she quickly bolted up her bed. She starts flinging stuff out of her desk, seemingly looking for something. She almost rips out her closet door, flings more stuff as she continues to search for something.

"Damn it..."

She storms into Korean store. She have been frequenting there more often than anybody that the owner didn't need to ask what she would have wanted.

Lisa quickly empties out her pocket and lays out every dollar, quarter, dime, nickel and penny out on the counter.

"How many phone cards can I but with that?"

"Are you sure?" The owner asks worriedly, it looks like the girl pulled out all her allowance.

"YES! Please..." Lisa grips tightly on the counter, trying to keep herself steady. "Please... I need them..."

The man takes a nod, giving Lisa all of the phone cards they have.


Lisa hand was clench around a thick stack of phonecards, her hand still trembling as she tries to call Jennie while walking back home. She recognized the silhouette of the people standing around the corner, but paid no attention to it. She has more important things to worry about.

"Oh, you're so great now... You won't even say hi to us?" Momo steps up, obviously not done with Lisa especially after Lisa humiliated her.

Lisa quickly sidestepped not needing to deal with this right now, but Momo quickly flings Lisa forward.

"You look at me, when I'm talking to you!" Momo threaten hoping to scare Lisa a bit, but Lisa knows she could beat her once and she has no problem beating her up again.

"I don't have time for this."

"Well, make time."

Lisa turns off her phone slowly stuffs the phonecards in her pocket, when she felt the wind knock out of her as she took a punch on the gut, making her kneel to the ground.

"Not so tough now, huh Manoban?"

Momo's minions quickly grabs on each of Lisa's arm.

"You know what my batting average is Lisa?" Momo taunted as she pats her baseball bat on Lisa's shoulder.

Lisa sneers and just looks away.

"Best one in the league..." Momo kneeled down so she could look Lisa straight in the eye. "And don't ever forget that... Or better yet let me show you..."

Lisa almost collapsed to the ground as she felt Momo swing the bat straight into her arm. She could actually heart he bones cracking as the bat collided against her. Every muscle, every nerve was begging Lisa to cry, but she didn't and that didn't bode well with Momo. And Momo's second swing, Lisa collapse to the ground and right then she cried.


Mina could hear people cursing as she stumbled at everyone who got on her way. She pushed herself inside the hospital room and saw Lisa looking so helpless as she laid down on the bed.

"HEY! What happened?" Mina asks worriedly as she sees the cast on Lisa's arm. "Did that b!tch do this to you?"

"What else could I do?"

"Well, we could report her to the board, and they'll kick her out her skinny ass in no time."

Lisa just laughs in defeat and Mina finally calmed down.

"When did they say you're going to heal?"

"6-8 weeks"

"Well... Did you talk to Oppa about this?"

"I didn't but he did. He said that my chances of being drafted are quite slim. But I should just still wait for the drafts because I might miraculously get drafted." Lisa scoffs again. "But c'mon! Who would wanted to have a ****!ng cripple on their roster?"

"But you're going to be one of the best damn cripple on the league."

Lisa shivers as she exhales, "I'm tired already Mina..."

"Of what? Practice? We all are but this is a chance of a lifetime."

"It's not worth it anymore to be away from Jennie. You know back in college, after every practice I thought I was good as dead, but I come home to Jennie and I just quickly go back to life. I'm dying without her."

"But I thought you're doing this for her?"

"I just want to go home..." Lisa shuts her eyes to stop her tears but still they didn't listen to her and starts flowing out. "I just want to be with Jennie..."


Hey gays, here's another chapter update for today.. Hope you gays still enjoy the story, and I just wanna say thank you all for keep on supporting this and sorry again for keep on making you gays cry! See yah in next chapter 😘😘😘

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