Chapter 46

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One of Rose's strength was knowing exactly how she feels. It may not be pleasant, it could be mad, hate, despicable vulnerability, but atleast she knows.

Rose believes it's what separates the strong people from weak. Strong people knew what they feel and what they need to do about it, while the weak stays confuse, expecting someone to decipher their feelings for them.

But it's surprising nowadays how Rose couldn't understand what she was feeling. She sees this as a sign of vulnerability, when even she can't pinpoint a name to what she was feeling.

Just like right now, when she walks in the coffeeshop and sees her/their usual booth empty. What was her head trying to say? Or was it her heart that's trying to dictate her emotion?

But Rose walks in anyway, she's Roseanne Park and she just don't let anyone tell her what to do, not even her own heart.

"Hey Rosie..."

Rose sees Jeongyeon walking towards her, ready to take her order.

"Oh hi..."

She haven't been this close to Jeongyeon for quite some time, but unlike before, this time her presence felt like nothing.

She was the same Jeongyeon and she was also the same Rose, but it wasn't the same feeling anymore. And as simple as that, it made all the difference in both their worlds.

"The usual?"

"Yes... Yes please."

Rose unconsciously stares at the empty booth space in front of her, and somehow it didn't feel like the usual, it felt...


"So, how have you been Jeongyeon?"

Jeongyeon looks up from her notepad with an awestruck expression. She would have never thought that the Roseanne Park would actually care about others.

"I have been good actually..."

"Are you finally with Sana?"

"We're going to be three months this Thursday..."

If this was the old Rose, she might feel vindictive but she was different now.

"I never thought you two would end up together."

Jeongyeon's laugh sounded quite heavenly.

"Yup... Me too! But I guess life has a funny way of dealing with that..."

"What do you mean?"

And from the twinkle in Jeongyeon's eyes, it was obvious there was something more to it than what they have thought earlier.

"Just when you thought you know what's best for you, life offers you something much more better. Something more deserving of you."

Jeongyeon taps on her notepad before turning away...

"I'll get your order in a minute."

Jeongyeon was about to walk away, when Rose's words halted her.

"I thought it was you..."

Rose didn't know what made her come out with it, but she thought if she was going to start a new life that she would have needed to let go.

"I thought it was going to be you..."

Jeongyeon should have asks what Rose had meant but truth was, she didn't have to she knew exactly what Rose is trying to say. She just nods in defeat before silently confessing to Rose.

I thought it was you too...


Lisa rolls away from Jennie, smiling smugly as she rendered Jennie weak again. The cat eyed girl has her eyes screwed shut, her chests heaving, waiting to be brought to Earth. But Lisa always the playful one, had other intentions. She scoots closer, pressing kisses on Jennie's neck, making Jennie quiver, everytime she intentionally brushes Jennie's.

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