Chapter 43

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There were about 50 to 60 students in their class. But none of them steal anybody's attention, the way Rose does. And she was just sitting there but still she could hear everyone whisper about her almost as if she was throwing her clothes around the room. She ignores the hush whisper by pretending to sleep and pretending to wake up when the professor was finally done blabbing about something she will NEVER use in real life.

"I hardly see you in class..."

Rose ignores Tzuyu's teasing smile.

"I realized that the faster I get all my classes done, the faster I could graduate."

"But school is so much more fun than adult life don't you think?"

"Being young is so much more fun than adult life, school has nothing to do with it."

"There is no point arguing with you."

"Glad you finally realized that!"

Even if Rose was just walking, Tzuyu felt like she have to walk faster to keep up. She finally slowed down when she was shoulder to shoulder with Rose, not because she was able to walk faster but because Rose have slowed down.

"So, I was thinking I'm having party tonight, maybe you can de stress there... Since you're so busy now school girl?!"

"I'll think about it!" Rose answers so coldly that it sounded more like NO to Tzuyu.

"Oh... Well, try to come..."

"I'll see"

Tzuyu just smiles faintly, this time she just watch Rose walk ahead of her.


Tzuyu looks up and sees Rose standing a few feet away from her.

"What are you standing there for? Let's go..."

Usually Rose liked being alone, but she didn't knew what she was missing until Tzuyu came in.


Lisa grumbles as she fumbles with the shampoo bottle, her bad hand can't even fully grip the bottle while her good hand is struggling to open it.
(A/N: Really Lisa? But no struggle scene last night? 😜)

Maybe her curses were heard out the bathroom walls, because someone steps into help her out.

Lisa pouts in the shower as Jennie opens the shampoo bottle with her.

"Keke... Your shampoo bottle has a ribbon on it." Jennie says amusingly, applying the shampoo on her hand and starts to lather it on Lisa's hair.

Lisa gulps shyly and continues to stare down at the water flowing to the drain. It took Jennie a little more to remember why...

"I ummmm... Brought it here." Lisa finally confesses. "I couldn't throw the bottle away, so I kept it... I could finally afford to buy that same brand Jennie. I could finally give you the life you deserve." Lisa finally looks up and smiles.

"I don't want that kind of life anymore, Lisa... I want the one where you're in it."

"I'm sorry... Sorry for leaving you." Lisa kisses Jennie.

Jennie kisses Lisa in forgiveness.

"We made it through, baby..."

"I know... OW!" Lisa instinctively was about to rub the shampoo off her eyes.

"Don't..." Jennie pulls Lisa's hand away, Jennie hurriedly tries to splash water on LIsa's eyes, when Lisa could finally open her eyes, Jennie kisses her bad eye...

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