Chapter 60

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Third person pov

Arron stared at Ino. Ino grinned back.

"Well, are you ready to go, Arron?" She chirped happily, as though Arron braving the outside world without a Nara by her side wasn't all that big a deal. Shikamaru in the doorway, tapping his foot nervously. He was nervous about Arron going out alone. If something happened, she could close up for good. Even if she was taking Trexx with her...

Instead of telling Ino that she'd rather eat shit and die rather than go out, she simply nodded, offering a hesitant smile. "Awesome! Well, kiss Shikamaru goodbye for the day, because we're having a girls-only day!" Ino clapped her hands together. Shikamaru's cheeks turned a little red as he recalled when he'd come home from the second stage in the chunin exams. Yes, he was still hung up on that.

Arron blinked, then nodded. "Okay." She turned to Shikamaru. The Nara froze, his heart stuttering a few times. Ino let out a loud laugh, clearly thinking she was joking, and grabbing the girls hand and beginning to drag her out the door. Shikamaru's mouth fell open. He wasn't sure if he should've been upset or relieved that Ino unintentionally stopped her.

"Be safe!" Shikamaru called out. "And don't stay out too long!"

"Okay, dad." Ino scoffed, rolling her eyes. Arron blinked a few times, glancing up at Trexx. The large beast offered a shrug. Still, even after being amongst humans for months, he still could not understand them. Not even a little. I mean, what genius thought it would be a good idea to put light bulbs on the ceiling? And why didn't they mind the sun?!

"So, I bet you're wondering what we're doing today." Ino blabbered. "We're going to go shopping! Awesome, I know. You're going to love it. I know you don't have any money, but I don't care. I'm paying for it all." Ino said proudly.

"Dim." Arron said quietly. "No."

"Yes." Ino countered. Arron blinked, looking at Trexx for help. Her pleading gaze at least made him think about it a little as they got closer and closer to town. He could feel Arron's anxiety spiking at a rapid pace, beginning a steady climb towards its peak. If it reached the top, it would descend into a panic attack, and he really didn't want that. 

"Eat sun." He advised. Arron still looked distraught. He paused before he tried again, "...Kill sun?"

"Trexx, you're a riot, you know? We'd die without the sun. Besides, without light, shadows wouldn't exist!" Ino's revelation sent a shock of horror through Trexx. What was she talking about? How could that be?! He ate light. He got rid of it, and he was still here, so what was she going on about? Besides, the moon still existed!

Arron glanced around nervously. Thoughts ran rampant in her mind, some calming, some destructive to her overall mentality. More and more people began to come into view as they walked farther into the shopping district of the large village. It was crowded. Arron forgot how to breath for a moment. With a gasp, the skill came back to her. Then it was gone again.

"Arron." Ino's voice was softer now. "You're okay. I'm here with you, and there's no way I'd ever let anything happen to you, okay?" 

Arron nodded numbly, though her fear didn't fade much. Still, she seemed to be slightly more at ease. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get her lungs back in proper working order, free of any interruptions. Ino grinned at this. "Shikamaru is going to be so excited to hear about your day." She noted. Arron's eyes lit up at that. Not with joy, or anything of the particular sort, but rather a sleek determination that wouldn't be easily diminished. This was a shopping trip. Usually, a goal wasn't needed. You didn't set one. But Arron did, and that was fine.

They stopped in a smaller store first. Arron couldn't remember the last time she was in a public retail store. Had she ever been? She'd been to dressmakers in the past, but they were privately hired, and Arron had been quietly carted off to be fitted into the finest silks that would make her appear older. She shivered at the thought. She'd be damned if she ever wore anything gaudy again. She liked plain things. Plain things... they worked.

"Trexx, please don't." Ino sighed. "We came here to buy Arron some nice things! Not to replace a bunch of lights because you ate them."

The beast had the audacity to look slightly guilty. Arron blinked a few times as she was pulled farther into the shop. It almost felt like dancing, the way Ino skipped and spun from rack to rack with Arron in tow. Momentarily, she liked it. It was peaceful in a way she couldn't describe. She had always enjoyed fast paced things she could control. To be in charge of something chaotic was a beautiful thing.

"This would look adorable on you!" Ino didn't point to any of the dressed, or skirts in the shop. She didn't bother with the heels, or the jewelry that surely would have made Arron's dark hair pop. Instead, she handed Arron a sweater. 

Arron took it with a great deal of hesitance. It was a size too big, but Arron liked her clothing like that. It made her feel safer. It was black as her hair, but that wasn't her favorite part. The part she liked the most was the deer stitched on the front. It was nothing more than an outline. The buck's large antlers branched out elegantly, attached to the carefully-shaped head of the creature.

"Let's get it. It is pretty cold today, and your jacket looks thin." Ino took it again. This time, Arron didn't complain.


They'd been shopping an hour, and Arron was annoyed.

Not with Ino, or with the amount of time she'd spent away from Shikamaru. Not at Trexx, or the people. No, what was felt was a simmering sort of feeling that started in the pit of her stomach as the coffee shop cashier quite shamelessly hit on Ino, eyeing her crop top with a grin, and not taking their order.

"Can we get some hot chocolate, please?" Ino asked again, wincing. 

"Can I get your names?" His eyes flickered to Arron. Ino glared at him, feeling as though Arron might be frightened. She almost grabbed the girl to drag her to the competing cafe next door, but the Yamanaka didn't have to.

Arron stepped forward before she could stop herself. His look was one she knew well. Cocky, self-entitled, and lustful. She hated it. Not long ago, she would have feared such a gaze, but today it made her angry. Was it because it was mainly directed at Ino, her friend? Or was it because of her past experiences? Either way, even if it wasn't even a mere fraction of what Ino had gone through, Arron didn't want to her to go through it. It was something Ino would forget about in a day. Maybe even a few hours, or possibly minutes! But she just... couldn't stop herself.

"I don't much appreciate you harassing my friend, ast." Arron's angry hiss startled Ino. For a moment, the blonde wasn't sure it was Arron who'd spoken. "Now give us our hot chocolate, please."

The look in her eyes was enough to send the older man into action. He coughed, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment as several heads turned his way. Ino stared in awe at Arron. How had she had more courage than Ino had? Enough confidence to say that? And here Ino thought she'd be the one protecting Arron from the horrors of human kind.

Arron's meek posture returned, but it was too late. Ino had seen it. The passion. The anger. She didn't like men who degraded women. Who shamelessly hit on them, and made them uncomfortable. She didn't like any females to be put into any situation she'd been in, and Ino could see that. She seemed to be able to protect women. Girls. She'd stepped up and immediately come out of her shell for Ino, and it hadn't even been that big of an incident.

She could work with that.

"Hey, Arron, have you ever considered volunteering somewhere?" Ino asked. The girl blinked at her, shaking her head. Curiosity beamed in her eyes, though, and the girl briefly glanced at Trexx. The beast was sitting outside the small shop. Arron and Ino had been afraid he'd take the door frame off the wall.

"So no?" Ino checked. 

"No, I haven't." Arron confirmed quietly. Ino grinned.

"Then... have you ever heard of a women's safe house?"

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