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The stone of Hogwarts' walls dug into Eloise's back as Lucius had a vice-like grip on her wrist

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The stone of Hogwarts' walls dug into Eloise's back as Lucius had a vice-like grip on her wrist. His grey eyes dug into her hazel one's and she winced slightly as he spat out his words, 

"A Gryffindor?" His eyes narrowed, "Of all houses, Eloise, a Gryffindor?" He let go of her wrist leaving a red mark. He ran his hand through his pale hair, "A Malfoy as a Gryffindor, no one has ever heard of such a thing." he met her eyes and looked at her as though she disgusted him, "After all that talk of mudbloods being equal, I thought you could sink no lower!" Eloise rubbed her wrist, "You asked to be in Gryffindor didn't you? You just had to have your way." he looked down his nose at her, "You couldn't even do one thing. All we wanted was for you to go into Slytherin." Eloise had had enough, 

"All you wanted?!" She replied, suprising him with her tone of voice, "Never could I be a normal child, I had to be a Malfoy." she paused, out of breath, "The perfect Malfoy's with perfect children who never spoke out of turn, never disrespected an adult, never did anything! I just had to sit there and listen to father drone on about how muggle-borns were a disgrace." Lucius took a step back, but soon regained composure, 

"How dare you? How dare you disrespect our father, who has done nothing but give you the perfect life. You're a disgrace to the Malfoy name you don't even know how privileged you are, living in a pure-blood family. You'll thank us in the future!" Eloise scoffed, 

"Thank you? Thank you?" she took a step towards her older brother feeling a surge of confidence, "Why would I thank you for deciding my future?" she puts on a sarcastic tone, "Awwe thanks Dad for setting me up with an internship with Voldemort-"

She was cut off by a sharp pain in her left cheek, her eyes began to water and she lifted a hand gingerly to the place where it stung. She met her brother's eyes and even he looked shocked at what he'd done. Eloise had been slapped before of course, her father was none other than Abraxas Malfoy and punishment was severe to say the least, but never once had Lucius laid a hand on her in that manner. She felt that something had changed as soon as she had been sorted into Gryffindor and the warm, brotherly side of Lucius was no more. Eloise didn't cry, she didn't make a noise. She looked to Lucius and said in a small voice, "Well, if that's all" and hurried off before he could see the warm tears descend her cheeks. She clutched her face and ran to her common room, to her new family.

As she reached the portrait of the Fat Lady she realised she didn't know the password, but that wasn't an issue, as sat in front of the entrance was James Potter and pacing worriedly, Sirius Black. James looked up when he heard her footsteps approaching and hurriedly stumbled up rushing towards her. Sirius noticed him and ran to her side aswell, he caught sight the tears on her bruised cheek and his expression hardened, 

"What's that?" he asked softly with a sense of urgency gently putting a thumb to her cheek, she recoiled at his touch, 

"It's nothin-" Sirius spoke over her, 

"Did he do this?" She didn't reply and stared at her feet but he didn't need an answer and rushed off, James caught his arm, 

"Where are you going?" he asked concerned, Sirius looked at him coldly, 

"To fix things." he replied before wrenching his arm out of James' grip and rushing down the stairs before anyone could stop him again. 

"Sirius, no!" Eloise called after him and James put an arm around her, 

"C'mon let's go in." he said the password 'Hippogriff' and led her through the portrait hole to a sofa in front of the fire. Eloise took time to look around the comfortable room, she felt instantly at home in the place with red, plush furniture and the warm coloured walls surrounding her. For just a moment she forgot about her brother and her family as she settled down in the strangley comforting embrace of her new friend James Potter.

She sniffled slighty and wiped her eyes, 

"It's okay." James said rubbing his hands up and down her arms, 

"It's not okay, James." Eloise said quietly putting her head in her hands, 

"He called me a disgrace to the Malfoy name." She heard James scoff, 

"Well it's not much of a name to disgrace." She lifted her head to meet his smirk, it fell as soon as he saw her face, "Sorry...too soon?" She kissed her teeth and leant back into the cushions, "You don't need them El" he said warmly and she gave him a half smile as a commotion could be heard from outisde the common room 

"GET OFF ME!" Eloise heard Lucius' voice followed by Sirius' 

"Make me!". She stood up and rushed with the others to the now open entrance to see an enraged McGonagall breaking up a bloodied Sirius and Eloise's fuming brother. Lucius scowled at Sirius as he stepped back and wiped his bloody nose on the sleeve of his robes, Sirius was breathing heavily 

"That's what you get for hitting her, you little-" 

"ENOUGH Mr Black! Lucius a fifth year, and a prefect: I expected better of you and as for you Mr Black, starting a fight on your first day is no way to arrive at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry!" The boys glared at eachother not looking away until they heard Eloise's shout, 

"Sirius what were you thinking?" All eyes were on her and Sirius' smug expression faded quickly as he saw Eloise's dismay. He looked at her for a while, 

"He hit you." he said simply, 

"He's my brother." Eloise replied, Siruis opened his mouth to retaliate but Lucius had spoken, 

"I'm no brother to a Gryffindor." Eloise felt tears threating to spill once more and James' arm had returned to her shoulders. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, 

"I suggest, Mr Malfoy, that you swiftly make your way back to the Slytherin common rooms, before you upset any more of my students." Eloise's brother's stony gaze left her as he gave Sirius a scathing look before dusting of his robes and striding back to the dungeons. McGonagall told the Gryffindors to all go back inside and Eloise sat back down on the sofa with James on one side and a slightly sheepish, bruised Sirius on the other.

A fresh stream of tears flowed over the bruise on her cheek, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs and was faced with mane of red hair. Lily Evans looked shocked at Eloise crying, 

"Are you okay?" Eloise began to explain, 

"My- my brother..." but she couldn't speak through the tears and James' grip tightened around her. Lily's face of concern quickly changed to a scowl when she caught sight of James but her expressions seemed to soften slightly at his next words, 

"Don't worry, Elle, I'll be your brother now."

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