Beneath Your Beautiful 13

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Chapter 13:

Ivy's POV:

I woke up to Jack shaking me.

"Hey wake up bae." he said.

"I'm up I'm up." i said rolling over and pulling the covers over my head.

"No your not." he said pulling the cover away.

I sat up. I lifted my hands up. "Carry me." I said.

"Fine." he said picking me up and carrying me bridal style.

I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head in the crook of his neck. we got to the airport around 7.


We are at the meet and great. I'm sitting in a chair kinda in the back but in the middle of Jack and Jack with Ariel next to me. we have been getting a lot of dirty looks.

"Wanna go get food?" Ariel asked.

"Sure I'm down." I said getting up.

"J, me and Ariel are gonna go get food. yes I will bring you some." I said to Jack J. kissing his cheek.

"Alright." he said not looking away from the picture he was signing.

"Love you." I said.

"Love you too boo." he said smiling at me.

Gosh I love his smile. it makes me melt inside.


Me and Ariel walked back and I dropped my Starbucks. there was a girl all over Jack. my heart shattered. it's not like he was enjoying it I could see him trying to push her off. tears welled up in my eyes at the sight.

Then she sealed the deal. she kissed him. I walked over.


"Jack's girlfriend duh." she said.

"Uh no that role happens to be mine." I said bitch slapping her cause her to fall to the floor.

At this point everyone was staring but I didn't care. I was fuming. far beyond pissed.

"Babe calm-" Jack started.

"YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!" I screamed.

He put his hands up in defense. security came to make sure everyone was okay as the girl was walked one way while I willingly walked the other.

My fist were clenched in tight fists. I don't know how much of this I can take. I walked back into my hotel room and Ryan was sitting on the couch.

"Iv you okay?" he asked.

"Just peachy!" I said my voice still kinda raised.

"Tell me." he said.

"I bitch slapped a girl for being all over Jack. now if you don't mind I'm going for a walk" I said putting my shoes back on.

"Want me to come?" he asked.

"No I just need sometime alone." I said my voice barely above a whisper while I looked at the door.

"Alright I'm here if you need me." he said turning back to the tv.

I walked out of the hotel and I wasn't paying attention and I walked out into the road and BOOM! a car hit me. then blackness.

Johnson's POV:

Ivy stormed out really mad but I couldn't leave. she had Ryan though. I was sitting when a security guard walked me over to Bart.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked.

That's when I noticed that Ryan was here and so were Taylor's parents with Taylor.

"Ivy came back to the hotel room.... I let her leave by herself..when she was mad....... She got hit by a car." Ryan said bursting into tears.

"What!" I said my voice kinda loud. and just like that my world came tumbling down.

Jack heard me and came running over with Ariel.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Drive me to the hospital!" I said.

"For sure man, but why?" he asked.

"I'll explain on the way." I said running towards the exit.


I've been sitting in the waiting room for about 3 almost 4 hours now. Ivy went into emergency surgery because one of her broken ribs punctured her lung.

Finally a nurse came out of the doors.

"Ivy Caniff's Family?" she said.

Taylor and his parent stood. that's when Taylor made me stand. she led us back to the ICU.

"Ivy went into a comma a couple minuets after she got wheeled her in here. she could wake up in anywhere from a few weeks to a few years." The nurse said.

Taylor's parents burst into tears and Taylor went with them to take a walk leaving me with Ivy. I sat in the chair in her room. I was holding her hand when the machine registering her heart beats flat lined.

"HELP SOMEONE HELP!!!" I screamed.

A bunch if nurses and 3 doctors came running in pushing me out of the room. all I could think "was why couldn't this have just happened to me."

A couple minuets later Taylor and his parents came back in just enough time for the doctors to say that Ivy had passed.

I burst into my tears. the love of my like just died. my heart shattered, my head started spinning as my world came tumbling down.



Ohhhhh cliffhanger. do you think Ivy will come back or will Jack have to move on? comment your ideas. anywho. I'm sorry I haven't been updating I started school and I haven't had time between school and cheer practice. so yeah thanks for your support so far. don't forget to vote.

Thanks Lovelies❤️


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