Beneath Your Beautiful 15

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Chapter 15:

Ivy's POV:

I woke up to a loud bang and screaming.

"You will never love her as much as I did." I heard a voice say.

Then I noticed Jack wasn't beside me.

"No I'll love her more!" I heard Jack say.

I walked to the doorway and peeked around the corner to only see my ex fighting with Jack.

I walked out the door that's when I realized Carter was on the floor holding his leg with a gun on the floor across from him.

"What the hell are you doing here and how did you find me!" I said grabbing hold of my knife that was clipped to my night shorts.

"I saw you at the mall the other day and I decided that I should come visit. Baby I love you. now come on we have a plane to catch." Andrew said stepping towards me.

I took a step back.

"NO!" I said pulling the knife out.

At this point all the boys were out here. Matt and Aaron were helping Carter down the stairs while Nash called 911. both the Jacks and Ariel were at my sides. and the rest were just waiting to see what happened/ tackle him to the ground.

"Whoa. baby come on you can trust me. we can go get married and you can be the mother to my kids. how can you say no to that?" he said

"I can say no because it almost happened. remember the little incident that you oh I don't know RAPED me, got me pregnant, then tried to marry me without me being there." I said getting ready to throw the knife.

At this point all the boys stopped what they were doing, and looked at me.

"Oh yeah. where is our kid?" he asked.

"He doesn't exist." I said barely above a whisper dropping the knife about to cry.

No matter how much I hated the father it killed me when the doctor said that I was going to have a stillborn. I cried for about a month after I found out.

"You killed him!" he said getting up in my face.

"No. I didn't i swear!" I said starting to cry. I fell to the floor. that was the last thing I remembered.


I woke up in Jack's arms in my bed. maybe it was all a dream. maybe no one actually knows that I'm suppose to have a kid.

"Iv.?" Jack said from behind me.

"Hmmm?" I asked rolling over to look at him.

"Did he really -" he started.

"Yes he did. Yes I was suppose to have his kid. yes I hate him whole heartedly. yes I love you way more and always will. and yes I will go make you some breakfast." I said getting out of bed.

"Damn your good." he said from the bed.

"We've been dating for 3 months." I said.

"And nobody understands me like that. Not even Jack!" he said.

I just laughed. when I walked downstairs everybody was in the living room and Carter had stitches. yep what happened last night wasn't a dream.

Everybody was on their phones until they saw me. Carter was the first person to see me. he got off the couch and limped over to me pulling me into a tight hug.

"I love you Iv. your my best friend and I don't know what I would do without you." he said

"I love you to Carter. I'm so sorry about your leg." I said hugging him back.

"I'd rather be hurt because I was trying to protect you, than you be hurt because I wasn't there." he said letting go of me.

Next Ariel come over to me. "Girl why didn't you tell that story. I thought we were besties. we've know each other for a year and you never told me. I feel loved." she said hugging me.

"Sorry. it's a hard subject to talk about." I said.

"I know." she said.

"What!" Gilinsky said.

"Ugh. why did i say anything." she said.

Eventually after everyone was done hugging me. we all sat down.

"Ari what did you mean by i know earlier?" Jack asked her.

Ariel's POV:

"Ari what did you mean by I know earlier." G asked me.

"I guess I have to tell you guys don't i?" I said.

"If you want to." Ivy said.

"Alright. back when I was 10, I like Ivy, was in a foster home. I was adopted by this horrible family. they didn't actually care about me. they hit me, threw me, and tried to make me something I'm not. in the end I wouldn't give them what they wanted so they put my back in the foster home. while I was gone from the foster home a new boy came in. he was 13. We had to share a room. one night he and his friends decided to be a bunch of jerks and they rapped me. after I packed all my things and ran away. that's when I met Brent. so Ivy when Brent met you and said I was his "friend" he actually mean my adopted sister." I said now crying.

Like Ivy said this is a really hard subject to talk about.

G pulled me onto his lap. I laid my head in the crook of his neck and just cried.

"Shhhh. it's okay. it's not gonna happen again." he said.

And for once in my life. I actually trusted someone who told me that. and I felt better. I calmed down and stopped crying.

"And you yelled at me for net telling you my story..." Ivy said making me laugh.

"You guys wanna get ice cream?" Cam asked.

"Hell yeah!!!" I said jumping off jacks lap and running towards the door.

"Alright I guess that's a yes." Cam said.

"Hurray up. my ice creams melting." I said walking out the door.

G came outside to seconds later. I turned to look at him he wrapped his arms around my waist pulled me close and kissed me.

Best first kiss EVER!



Hey guys. hope your enjoying the book. I think next chapter you'll meet Carter's Girlfriend. anywho. thanks for your support so far and don't forget to vote

Thanks Lovelies❤️

~Jessica 💕~

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