Beneath Your Beautiful 19

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Chapter 19:

Ivy's POV:

We just landed at the air port in Miami. I practically ran off the not good with flying...or heights. I got my bags from the baggage claim and when the guys were ready we crawled in the limo and went to the hotel.

I was roomed with Shawn and Taylor. Jack was kinda jealous at first but he got over it. we all decided to go out to dinner so I got dressed in a pair of white skinny jeans with my red burnout shirt. I put on my red vans and pulled my hair into a sock bun. I did a wing before putting my glasses on. I grabbed my phone and walked over to Jacks room.

Gilinsky opened the door.

"Hey." he said hugging me.

"Hey." I said.

"You look pretty." he said opening the door farther so I could come in.

"Thanks you clean up pretty well yourself." I said.

"Jacks in the bathroom he should be out soon." he said walking towards the door.

"Where you going?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"To see Ariel." he said with a smile before closing the door.

"Hey Jack." J said opening the bathroom door. "do I look o- hey Ivy." he added.

"Hey and you look fine by the way." I said walking over to him and fixing the collar of his shirt.

"You look amazing." he said kissing my cheek.

"I try." I said with a laugh.

"We better get going." he said.

"Your right." I said walking towards the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked.

I had my phone and everything else what could I be missing.

"No..." I said.

"Yes..." he said.

"What?" I asked him.

"You didn't give me a kiss." He said.

"Oh for crying out loud. lets go already. you want a kiss earn it." I said walking out the door.

"Well den." I heard him say.

A couple seconds later he walked out of the room and we walked to the elevator hand in hand.


We just got back from dinner and I went to my room to change. I took off my make up and changed into one of Jacks shirts and a pair of yoga shorts.

We were all hanging in Nash and Cams room so I made my way over there. I knocked but no one answered so I just walked in. bad mistake. all the guys were shirtless running around in there basket ball shorts either screaming PÜMA or Yeet.

I slowly started backing out of the room when Ariel saw me. she walked over to me and grabbed my arm.

"If me and Jessica have to suffer through this so do you." She said trying to pull me into the room. instead I pulled her into the hall.

"Why don't we just hang out in my room. just me, you, and Jess. they'll never notice we left." I said.

"Good idea!" she said pulling her phone out.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Texting Jess to meet us at your room. If you thought I was going back in there your crazy." she said.

I just laughed and we walked down to my room. a couple minuets later Jess walked through the door.

"Sorry I took so long. the guys stopped what they were doing so I had to make a distraction." she said.

"How did you... never mind their easily entertained." I said

We all laughed. around midnight we decided to go to bed.

Johnson's POV:

It was around 12:30 when I decided to go check on Ivy. she never came over to Nash's room and I got worried. when I walked into her room Ariel and Jess were crashed in the living room. I walked into the bedroom and Ivy was saying something.

"Stop...leave me alone...No! don't hurt me. please I'll do anything. I promise I won't run from you again. Please STOP!!!" she said then starting to cry.

I ran to the bed and scooped her up in my arms and rocked her back and forth.

"Shhhh. Ivy you okay. it'll be okay. nothing's gonna happen to you. I promise." I said by this time she was awake and Taylor had just Burst through the bedroom door with Jess and Ariel behind him.

"What happened?" Taylor asked walking towards the bed.

He looked at Ivy. "the dream?" he asked. she nodded.

She began crying again and crawled across the bed into Taylor's open arms.

"It's alright Ivy. I told you no matter what you have me and all the other guys now." he said holding her tighter.

"I know." She said sniffling.

Eventually she fell back asleep in Taylor's arms.


I woke up to Shawn singing. but there was another voice. Ariel... No Ariel sounds more like Ariana grande... Jess... no she sounds like Pink. that means it was Ivy. Her voice sounds like Taylor Swift.

You can't walk the streets at night your way to short to get on this ride. no I'm not. no I'm not. you try to tell me that I, I gotta be home when the street lights glow. you can't watch your tv show, I will watch what I wanna watch. No, won't listen to you. do what I wanna do. And I will walk this road ahead one hundreds miles on my hands. do I need to show you guess I gotta show you. and if you don't believe me now I'll flip the whole world upside down. do I gotta show you guess I gotta show you.

They stopped there.

"Your a really good duo." I heard Jack say.

"So are you and Jack." they said

I walked in.

"Speaking of the devil." Shawn said.

"What's that suppose to mean? huh?" I said hitting him with a pillow.

"Hey Shawn you wanna take me to get my belly button pierced?" Ivy asked from the bathroom.

"Why can't Jack take you?" he asked.

"Yeah why can't I take you?" I asked.

"Cause we're recording today." Jack said.

"Right." I said.

"Sure I'll take you." Shawn said and after Ivy was ready they left.


Jack and I just got back to the hotel from recording and Ivy is on her way. they must have went shopping after she got her belly button done.

Ivy walked through the door and I dropped my phone.

"Shawn what did you do!" I said.



Ohhhhh cliff hanger. I think I might make a schedule for when I update. comment if you this the schedule thing would be a better idea for you. anyway thank you guys for all your support so far. I love you all. don't forget to vote.

Thanks Lovelies❤️

~Jessica 💕~

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