Beneath Your Beautiful 36

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Chapter 36:

Ivy's POV:

I woke up and Jack was still asleep with his arm around me. I poked his nose. he scrunched his nose up and his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning babe." I said with a giggle.

"Morning baby." he said kissing my cheek.

I got out of bed... After finally getting out of Jacks grip... and got a shower. when I got back out Jack had music playing. I wrapped the towel around me and opened the door.

I walked to my suitcase and got clean underclothes. turns out he was listening to wild life. I put on my underclothes and while he wasn't watching I snuck over to were he was standing.

I grabbed his hips and he jumped about 30 feet in the air and screamed. I hit the floor and burst into tears from laughing so hard.

Jack G came running in. "who screamed and why?" he asked making me laugh harder.

"Not funny babe." Jack said.

" wouldn'!" I said between fits of laughter.

I got up and walked back over to my suitcase wiping the tears off my face from laughing. I grabbed a pair of Jacks sweat pants I stool off of him and pulled on a tank top. I threw my hair up into a messy bun. I had to roll jacks sweat pants to make them fit.

I was standing on my phone when I felt hands on my waist. I just stood there.

"OH COME ON! ONE TIME, JUST ONE TIME!" Jack yells. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I will get you for that." he said.

"Yeah okay." I said walking out and into the kitchen.

When I walked into the kitchen Taylor was sitting there. sure enough he was eating the Nutella.

"Did I say you could eat my food??!?!?!" I said setting my phone on the counter.

"No but I did anyway." he said his mouth full of Nutella.

I grabbed the container from him to find it was empty.

"Your such a fat pig." I said.

"You can't prove it!" he said standing up and putting his spoon in the sink.

"Um yeah I kinda can. I'm hold the EMPTY Nutella container that you ate yourself. and I just bought it yesterday." I said.

He pulled up his shirt. "yeah but these abs don't lie." he said with a smirk on his face.

I pulled up my shirt. "neither do mine!" I said dropping my shirt and putting the Nutella container in the garbage.

"What since when have you had abs!?!?" he asked completely shocked.

"Since about 5 months before I got adopted." I said with a laugh.

"That's so not fair." he said crossing his arms.

"How?" I asked.

"Cause it's just not okay." he said walking out.

"See that's just proving that I win!" I screamed after him.

"NO IT DOESNT!" He screamed back.

And with that he left and Jack walked in. "what was that about?" he asked.

"You don't wanna know." I said.


We just got back from MagCon and we are all hanging in our room. The guys are playing video games so Ari, Jess, and I are in the bedroom talking.

"I wanna play a video game." I said.

"Me too but those bozos out there aren't gonna let us." Jess said me and Ari agreeing.

"I have an idea." Ari said then explaining.

Ariels POV:

I really wanted to play the I thought of the perfect plan.

"So we go out to the guys and tell them that we're gonna go to the club. then we will hide in Jess' room. once they realize what we said they will leave and try and stop us. then we go back across the hall and play the games while they are looking for us." I said a evil smiling spreading on my face.

I looked at Jess and Ivy and the same smile was on their faces. "lets do it." they said nodding their heads.

"Hey babe." I said.

"Yeah Ari." Jack asked not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Me and the girls are going to a club. don't know when we'll be back but I'll see you then." I said and we walked out the door. so far so good.

We stood behind Jess' door waiting to hear them. all of a sudden that whole room erupted with noise. what stuck out most was when Jack shouted What at the top of his lungs.

We heard the door open and their voices and they walked down the hall. once it was silent Jess opened the door and peaked out. no one to be seen. we walked across the hall and we were home free.

We continued the game the guys were playing and actually did better than they were doing anyway. about a half hour after we started playing the game we heard voices and footsteps. I started to giggle as it got closer.

The door opened and I could just about here the guys' jaws hit the floor.

"Where were you guys?" Carter asked.

"Well we wanted to play but we knew you guys wouldn't give up the controllers so we made up that plan and hid in Jess' room till you guys left then came back and.... just beat you game." I said as the game credits started rolling.

"Ugh! and what how! no matter how hard we try we never beat that game." Matt said.

"That's cause your a bunch of losers." Ivy said.

"Thanks babe love you too." Jack J said to her. she just laughed.

"So how's that pay back for this morning coming?" she asked with a smirk.

"Shut up." he said crossing his arms.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah what happened this morning?" Jack asked.

Ivy told us. I just about died from laughing so hard...and I wasn't the only one.

"Hahaha that was so funny I fell of my dinosaur." Jack said.

"What?" Matt asked, which made me laugh even harder.

"I'm going to bed." Jess said getting up. she hugged me and Ivy then left.

Me and Ivy went to bed about 10 minutes later. I was laying there about to fall asleep when I felt the bed dip and arms wrap around me.

"Night. I love you Ari." Jack whispered in my ear giving me the chills.

"Night love you to Jack." I said snuggling into his chest.



So I just wanna say thank you guys so much for almost 2K views on my book. It means a lot. I love you all so much. don't forget to check out my other book/ follow me/ vote.

Thanks Lovelies❤️

~Jessica 💕~

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