Beneath Your Beautiful 41

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Chapter 41:

Ivys POV:

We got back to Nashs house he went strait for the kitchen. I took the time to sit down and relax. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt the couch dip so I opened my eyes. it was Jack.

"Hey baby." he said kissing my cheek.

"Why did you stop the tour and come out here?" I asked him.

"I wanted to make sure you were safe. I almost lost you once I don't wanna go through that again and this time you be gone forever." he said.

"Jack. I had my hand gun and if things would have gotten too bad I would have hid and called you." I said.

"It's better for me to be here too early than too late." he said.

"I love you Jack." I said.

"I love you too Ivy." he said pulling me in for a kiss.

"Ew get a room." Hayes said.

We broke apart and I started laughing. "Your gonna find that special girl someday too bud." Jack said.

"Eh, I like video games." hayes said.

"Good keep it that way. you don't need a girlfriend. besides I already to you no dating until you married." I said with a laugh.

"You influence him to cheat!?!?"" Jack asked a confused look on his face.

"Babe it's a joke calm down." I said getting up and turning on the Xbox.

"Whatcha playin?" Hayes asked sitting next to me.

"A game." I said as I waited for the game to load.

"No way your playing the walking dead!!!! I wanna play!" he said.

"Grab a controller." I said.


Hayes and I finished the game around 10:30. "now what do we do?" he asked clearly not tired.

"How about we watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.  "How about Freddy Vs. Jason?" I asked pulling the movie from my bag.

"Sure I'm down." Hayes and Jack said.

"I'm here!" Ari said running in. "i heard you say the name of the movie so I ran I love that movie!" she said.

"Okay well looks like that's what we're watching." I said with a laugh.

When the movie was over it was 11:30 and Hayes was holding onto my arm with such a tight grip I thought he was gonna pull it off.

"Hayes why don't you go to bed?" I asked him.

"After that I don't think I can." he said.

"Whimp." Nash said standing and stretching. "Well I'm going to bed, night." he said walking upstairs.

"Hayes come on go to bed. Ari, the Jacks, and I would like to go to bed but we're not gonna leave you down here alone." I said.

"No. I'm not dying." He said.

"There's nothing to fear. if it makes you feel any better I'll sleep on the floor in your room." I said.

"Okay." he said jumping off the couch.

"Oh so that you're okay with but anything else I said was "too scary" I said.

"Cause then I won't die alone." he said.

"Wow thanks bud love you too." I said getting up.

Jack ended up sleeping in Hayes room too. We laid down a bunch of blankets and turned on his tv to sleep to. I laid down and got comfortable.

"You own me Hayes." I said rolling over only to realize he was out cold.

Jack came and laid down. he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "night baby I love you." he whispered in my ear kissing my neck.

"Night babe. I love you too." I said snuggling into his chest and falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.



Sorry if this chapter sucks. I have a lot of homework but I really wanted to get this out there. thanks so much for all the support so far and I love you all.

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Thanks lovelies❤️

~Jessica 💕~

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