Beneath Your Beautiful 29

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Chapter 29:

Johnson's POV:

Shawn just told us the news. which means that him and Ivy broke up. when Shawn told us Ivy put in her headphones to the point where I could hear her music in the pool. she was pretty upset. After he told us he left to go pack his bag because his flight leaves tomorrow.

I decided to go talk to Ivy. I walked over and sat next to her. Ariel was in the pool with Aaron so I just took her seat. I tapped her on the shoulder, she jumped 3 feet in the air.

"Sorry." I said.

"No it's okay what'd you need?" she asked.

"Just making sure your okay." I said.

"Yeah I'm fine." she said with her beautiful smile.

"You wanna swim?" I asked her.

"Not really" she said putting her phone back in her bag.

"Too bad." I said picking her up and jumping in the pool.

When I resurfaced all the guys were laughing and Ivy looked like she was about to kill me.

"JERK!" she said splashing me.

"I know." I said causing everyone to laugh.

After a while of jumping in the pool, playing Marco Polo, and dead man rise. we got out and went back in the hotel to get ready for tomorrow.

Ivy's POV:

Jack came over to make sure I was okay. It's weird how I went from hating him to falling for him again. I got back to Ariel and I's room first so I grabbed a towel and got in the shower.

I was rapping wild life when I heard the hotel room door open. I finished in the shower and got out. I wrapped my towel around me and walked out to the bed room area when I noticed Jack sitting on my bed.

"AHHH! HOLY SHIT! WHAT IS IT WITH YOU SCARING ME?!?!?!?" I screamed causing him to laugh.

"Sorry." he said still laughing.

I grabbed clean clothes and walked back to the bathroom Jack following me to the bathroom door.

"So when did you learn to rap that fast?" he asked me.

"I don't know I listen to that song pretty often so..." I said.

"Well your pretty good." he said.

"Thanks." I said.

I put on my underclothes and wrapped my hair in the towel.

"Hey Ivy?" Jack asked.

"Yeah Jack?" I asked.

"I love you." he said.

I put my sweats and tank top on. I took my hair out of the towel and opened the door.

"I love you too J. I love you too." I said hugging him.

"So does this mean were back together?" he asked.

I kissed him.

"I'll take that as a yes." he said with a laugh.

All of a sudden Taylor burst through the door.

"Jack take Ivy FAR away from the hotel!" he said franticly.

"What why?" we both asked.

"Because. a certain someone came looking for his kid." he said looking at me.

"NO! it's time I stand up to him!" I said pushing Taylor out of my way and into the hallway.

As soon as Andrew saw me he charged after me grabbing my by the neck and slamming me into he wall.

"WHY'D YOU LIE TO ME??!?!?!?" He screamed in my face.


"I saw you the other day with OUR kid!" he said

"I told you that OUR kid doesn't exists!" I said struggling to move his arm.

"Don't lie to me bitch!" he said slapping me across the face.

"I'm not lying. Alice is my sister and ex boyfriends kid!" I said slapping him back.

He grabbed his face with his other arm giving me the advantage to push him off me. I got up and took out my knife.

"Now, stop coming around here because I'm sick and tired of the drama. you should technically be in jail for raping me. now screw off asshole. I told you our kid doesn't exists. so leave me alone." I said throwing the knife so I landed right beside his head.

"Fine. I don't know what your problem is." he said getting up.

"You! your my problem!" I said grabbing my knife.

"Oh and by the way I've always wanted to do this." I said before punching him in the face.

He held his nose as it started bleeding.

"I hope it's broken!" I called after him as he walked away.

I was really out of breath at this point.

"Jack." I said my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah?" he asked coming closer.

"Catch me!" I said before blacking out.



So yeah. Ivy's Got a back bone. anyway I just wanna say thank you guys so very much for 1K on this book. it really means a lot to me and I love you all so much. thanks for the support and don't forget to vote.

Thanks Lovelies❤️

~Jessica 💕~

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