Im Better

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Keith's POV:

I seriously didn't expect people to clap. Maybe just Lance, Pidge, and Hunk, but not everyone. It was crazy. I just tried to put my heart into it.

I guess most people don't expect so much from the guy who plays a tree.

Also, I made Lance blush like crazy. I guess he's not used to being the person who has to look up.

He's a dork... but a cute one.

And yes... I like him. But don't tell Hunk and Pidge! Everything would go hectic! Nobody even knows I'm gay, which is a problem.

But to be honest, I like keeping it to myself.

I sat down next to Pidge who gave me a smirk.

"What are you making that face for?" I asked.

She looked confused, "You don't know what happened?"

"No. At least... I don't think so."

Pidge laughed. "Sometimes, you can be so dumb."


Lance looked at me, "You jerk."

"What did I do?"

Lance's eyes widened. Hunk looked at Lance. They chuckled.

"And I thought Lance was the goofball," Hunk said.

"Hey! I am no way related to that lover boy!" I said.

"You were literally flirting with him!"

I blushed immediately, "...I was?"

"Yes!" Pidge said out of stress. "You winked at him and practically turned him turn into a flaming volcano."

I looked at Lance once again who was hiding his face. You could tell he was flustered, but why?

"Hey, Lance... sorry man," I said sincerely.

"Whatever mullet," Lance let out madly.

Lance's POV:

Mwhahahaha!!!! I thought. Beat that Keith! That's what you get for making me blush!

Keith's POV:

I suddenly steamed up with anger. Pidge and Hunk were trying not to burst into laughter. Lance cracked a small smile. How dare he! I thought.

Shiro sighed, "Lotor Zarnerva?"

Everyone in the class turned to Lotor who gave out an evil snicker. He stood up and stood in the middle. He posed with his hands on his waist.

"Have you met Prince Charming? I've nothing like him," Lotor said. He flipped his white hair and smiled. He looked at a row of ladies, "I'm better!"

All the girls, except for Pidge and 2 other girls, screamed and blushed. All the boys sighed separately.

Shiro sighed, "Who're you auditioning for?"

"rOMEo of course!" Lotor answered.

The girls cheered even louder.

"Break a le-"

"With love's light wings did I o'er perch these walls..!" Shiro facepalmed as Lotor recited the wrong passage. "For stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do, that dares love attempt."

He looked at one of the ladies who wasn't smiling. She looked pissed at Lotor. Her name's Allura Melfor.

Allura is Lotor's ex-girlfriend. She knows that Lotor is not just a bad apple, he's an evil apple.

A quick summary of Allura would be a British sophomore who loves gardening and flowers. She's good friends with our little group. Allura's pretty chill.

Lotor smirked. "To see you look severe more frightens me than 20 of their swords."

Allura growled silently. Her friend, Romelle, patted her shoulder.

Romelle is Allura's best friend. Their like two peas in a pod. She'd do anything for Allura. One time, she rushed out of class into Allura's classroom to comfort her when she heard that a teacher yelled at her.

Let's just say that teacher was close to getting a black eye from Romelle...

He began to make gestures. "Look you but sweet, and I am proof against their enmity. Lady by yonder moon I swear that tips with silver all the fruit tree tops. No, for this bud of love in summer's breath will prove a beauteous flower when next we meet."

Lotor looked at Shiro who was rolling his eyes, "I promise."

Everyone clapped, some slow clapped. That was us.

Shiro wrote something down, "That was... okay."

Lotor sat back down and looked at Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and I. He chuckled and crossed his legs.

Pardon my language but he can kindly fuck off.

He's a real meanie and I hate him with all my guts. I've only caught Lotor doing little things. Like calling Lance a loser, stealing a pencil or two, stuff like that. But Pidge and Hunk have said that they've seen worse.

I hope to heaven that that's not true.

Realizing || Klance fanfic || Highschool AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon