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3rd Person POV:

~6 years later~

"Cheers!" Hunk yelled as he raised his glass. "To the newly wedded couple!"

Lance and Keith grinned happily and drank. People around them screamed, "Cheers!" and gulped down their drinks. Everyone continued to talk and chat as Hunk sat back down.

He, Pidge, Shiro and the two lovers were sitting at their own table. They made jokes and giggled at the memories they made. Everything was peaceful and wonderful. Every person was dressed fancy in suits and dresses. It made the two husbands feel very special.

"Oh my god!" Pidge exclaimed. He nudged his best friend's arm, "Hunk! We almost forgot!"

"Oh right!" He responded. "How could we forget?"

Keith and Lance looked at each other confusingly.

Lance spoke, "How could you forget what?"

The two friends laughed, "You'll see."

Pidge reached for his bag that was underneath their table. He opened it up and got out his laptop. He went to his files as Hunk was slowly getting excited.

Keith asked, "What did you guys do this time?"

Pidge smirked then turned her computer around to face them.

There was a picture of Lance holding Keith's hand in a sexy bunny outfit.

Lance immediately went red.

"I remember that all too well!" Keith laughed.

Lance looked at his friends in a panic, "Where and how did you get that photo..?"

Pidge rested his cheek on his hand, "Do you recall that time when I had you drink that po-?"


"Well... maybe?"

The table began to laugh and chuckle. Lance stuffed his head in Keith's suit. His partner patted him and sneakily smiled.

Then, a video started to play. Pidge was singing the first verse of "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?"

"Look at that tiny fetus!" Pidge pointed out, "He's gonna go through some puberty man!"

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM PIDGE!" Past Lance yelled loudly.

The whole group burst into laughter. It was so loud a few guests heard the recording. The group's stomachs started to hurt. Hunk and Pidge fist bumped while Shiro was quiet and kept watching it. Some people got curious and looked at the tape.

"Please... I know you're in there," Lance in the video sang, "people are asking where you've been. They say have courage, and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you, just let me in~"

Lance met his eyes with Keith's. They heard the soft singing voice and listened. They pecked each other on the lips and smiled.

"Do you wanna build a snowman..?"

The next Klance moment that popped up was a clip of Shiro announcing who was gonna be Romeo and Juliet.

"Hey, Shiro?" Lance looked over at Keith's dad.

"Yeah?" Shiro responded.

"Did you ever regret choosing me as Juliet?"

"Of course not! You were great and I made a good decision. I don't have any regrets with the role I gave you."

"...That's nice to hear."

"We're gonna be the greatest Romeo and Juliet in the world!" Past Lance yelled. "Just you wait!"

"Pfff!" Keith said, "So cocky!"

Lance mentioned, "Hey! At least I wasn't the one with the mullet!"

"Oh, you did not just say that!"

"Guys!" Pidge yelled, "Shut up and watch!"

The couple looked at the laptop which then had two pictures next to each other. The left one had them holding hands while the right pic had them blushing like crazy.

"Heh," Hunk blurted out, "do you guys remember that lady?"

Keith and Lance nodded sadly.

"That girl was a bitch," the Cuban man stated, "I really hope we never come across someone like that ever again."

Keith grabbed his hand and put his head on his shoulder. He sighed.

The next piece had the two of them crying and sobbing their guts out. They were hugging each other tightly and it didn't seem like they wanted to let go. There was a loaf of bread on the left side of the shot.

Lance softly spoke, "That... was one of the saddest days of my life." He gripped harder on his significant other's hand.  "I just couldn't believe that someone as awesome as you... would do that to your own beautiful body..."

A small pause of silence crept its way into the conversation.

Keith put his hand of his partner's jawline, "I'm so sorry that worried you," he turned his head to his friends, "to all of you. I shouldn't have been so stupid."

Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk scooted in their chairs and sat closer to them. They closed in and gave a big, family hug in return for bubbly smiles.

"Thanks, everyone..."

"Anytime bud," Hunk said.

They detracted from the cuddle as the next image popped up. Teenage Keith was blushing and holding Lance's palm. They both looked pretty shocked.

Everyone at that table just quietly beamed at it. The people around them stayed muted as they watched the slide show.

"Ooooh, ooh, oooooh, ooh, ooooh, ooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh..."  The next video played. It was made up of two teens who were singing.

"You guys sounded like angels!" Shiro squealed.

Keith and Lance looked at him with a confused look, "Sounded?" They chuckled. "What do you mean?"

Hunk and Pidge were giggling while Shiro was trying to not to blush out of embarrassment.

Shiro coughed, "Woah, look at the next one!"

Everyone's heads turned and saw a photo of the whole drama club. All the members had beautiful costumes and looked like princesses and princes. It was as if a group of people who belonged to royalty was in a small, crowded room.

"The night of the play," Lance said, "that was a magical night..."

"It was, " Pidge agreed, "My lord Freeadick! My lord Freeadick!"

The group laughed again. The script for the play was quite funny and could be easily joked about. It was a comedic and romantic play and made folks smile, yet frown.

The laughter slowly died down. Lance and Keith looked into each other's eyes and kissed. You could feel the love that they had for one another. Their bond was tight and they were more connected than ever.

At that moment, they were realizing that the curtains were closing and that their fairy tale was coming to an end. But at the end of the day, they lived happily ever after.



Hey, guyssss!

Thank you SO MUCH for reading this book! This has more than 2k reads and I'm losing my marbles! I love you people and I hope everyone has a great day!

You are all important and matter to many people. Everyone is awesome in their own special way. If you ever have any bad/dark thoughts, please talk to someone and reach out. Keeping the pain inside and staying quiet is just gonna make some situations worse.

I wish the best for all of you and I pray that you guys will take good care of yourselves!

Realizing || Klance fanfic || Highschool AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن