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Keith's POV:

~Next day: Sunday~

Lance was walking around the mall with me. We needed to buy clothes and food. I was glad I got to spend the time with him.

Suddenly, Lance stopped. He pointed, "You want to check Hot Topic?"

I smiled, "You know I'm a sucker for this store." I walked over to him, "Only if you come with me."

"Alright," he quickly responded.

We made our way inside. Chemical Romance was playing. There were a couple of people in the shop. Many anime bags were begging me to buy them.

"Do you want to get anything?" I asked Lance.

"Maybe a shirt or two, they have a discount," Lance answered.

I followed him around. There were many shirts to choose from. He looked focused, surprisingly. He picked up a Steven Universe and a Soul Eater shirt.

He said, "Alright, I got them."

But I didn't hear him. I was looking at 5 shelves full of jewelry. One of the rows had Lgbtq+ accessories. I was very intrigued. It seemed that the store had lots of jewelry with different sexualities. The shelf was diverse.

Lance walked over to me, "You wanna get one?"

I blushed out of shyness, "N-No..!"

He chuckled, "We can if you want. We can get matching bracelets!"

I smiled brightly, "Y-Yeah, sure!"

We both looked down at the accessories. They all looked beautiful.

Lance picked up two that said, "Gay Men" in big bold letters. I immediately shook my head. He laughed then put them back.

Then I picked two up. They said "#lovewins" which I thought was cute. Lance gave it a meh, so I placed them back on the shelf.

After that, we both pulled out a bracelet that matched the other. They were rainbow fabric bracelets. It read "Come Out... Wherever You Are" in white.

"Perfect?" I asked.

"Perfect," Lance responded.

We smiled at each other. I held both the bracelets in my left hand. We proceeded to leave the shelves when we heard someone speaking to us.

"You two homos?" A voice spoke.

We laid eyes on a girl, probably middle-aged. She was leaning on a wall with her arms crossed. Her clothes screamed, "Keep the gays out!" to practically everyone.

I instantly grabbed Lance's hand out of fear. I didn't know why I was scared, I guess I could just feel that this wasn't gonna go well. I thought Lance felt it too.

Since he held my hand tightly.

The lady looked down at our hands and scoffed. "You know, I'm tired of your kind. You both do know that marriage is between a man and a woman, right?"

We looked at each other nervously and gripped tighter.

"Yeah," Lance said, "we do."

"And you still continue to be disgraceful asses? You both should see a doctor," she pointed at Lance, "especially you."

I went in front of the lady, "We're perfectly fine, thank you. And that boy's awesome, so don't tell him to seek help when he isn't even sick. We're happy just the way we are and that's all that matters to us."

"Well, you both are being "happy" in the grossest way possible. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!"

"And you're being "helpful" in the ugliest way possible! It's called being a bitch, and bitches get stitches!"

"How about I give you a stitch you rat?!"

"Oh, it's on slu-!"

Lance immediately wrapped his arms around me. He held me back and tried to keep me contained. I saw he was scared, he didn't want any fighting.

Then I thought back to when I punched Lotor.

I calmed down and relaxed my hands on his. I had to think about Lance.

"Oh, what's wrong? Your boyfriend doesn't want to see you get injured?"

I smirked. "Yeah! Because unlike you, I have someone actually who cares about me!"

Lance tried to contain his giggles.

She flinched. The lady scoffed then flipped her hair. "You both are sick!"

Lance held my hand and winked at me, "Sick and happy!" I smiled at him.

The girl stayed quiet.

"Let's go, Lance," I said as I pulled him away.

I could hear him sticking his tongue at her. He chuckled then walked with me.

"Thank you for not getting violent."

"Thank you for not letting me get violent."

He put his hand on my hair and messed around with it. "So... would you consider me your boyfriend?"

I blushed quickly, "U-Uh... m-maybe? I-I mean, I-I don't l-like y-you! I MEAN! I l-like you but I d-don't love you or anything!"

His eyes widened, he chuckled.

He hugged me tightly, "Let's go pay now."

I let out a sigh of relief.

We made our way to the counter. I placed the bracelets as Lance put the shirts on the desk.

"Have you boys found everything okay?" A man said as he checked out our items.

"Yes, si-! HUNK?!" I yelled.

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