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Warning: Long chapter!

I'm sorry for taking a long time to write this. I've never stood up to a bully so I needed some advice from someone to help me.

Thanks, KatherineCervantes63 <3

This one's a rollercoaster so hang on and ride, as a new chapter awakens!

Keith's POV:

~Time Skip: Next day - Tuesday~

I stood in front of the vending machine with Lance. He was getting a soda pop. I anxiously looked left and right a billion times. Lance kept glancing at me which made me even more nervous.

"Hey," Lance whispered, "you're gonna be fine. Remember, if things get out of hand, Pidge and Hunk will get Shiro."

I gave him a small smile and nodded. He grabbed onto my hand and held it warmly. The tension in my face loosened.

His eyes lit up, "He's here."

I immediately turned my head, gripping Lance's hand tighter. I fake coughed then gulped hard.

"Hey Kogay," James teased as he walked over to us.

I noticed that in his right hand, he held a big bottle of water. The plastic was foggy.

James looked at my body, "what happened?"

I looked down then back at him. "What do you mean?"

"You used to be skinny, now you're back to being chubby and weird," James laughed.

I shouldn't have taken offense to that. I knew better. But for some strange reason, it still hurt. I crossed my arms and tried to keep looking forward.

"It's a shame... you were just getting pretty." James towered over me and smirked. "You should've listened to me, Keith. No one wants an ugly pig walking around on school campus."

"He's NOT anything like that..!" Lance yelled. He stood up with an angry look on his face and zipped up his jacket.

"Hey... you look familiar." James pondered as he tapped his mouth with his pointer finger.

"You do too. Although, I'm surprised that trash cans can walk on land."

I almost laughed, I just put on a big smile.

"Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth?"

James walked up to Lance, "The fuck you say to me you little shit?!"

I moved in between them, "We don't need to get violent. NO ONE'S getting hurt."

"I don't care if the two of you rats end up in the hospital!"

I put my arm around Lance's torso and walked back. We both backed up a bit as James got closer. We held tighter on each other's hand.

"What's your deal? I've never done anything to you!" I yelled dramatically. "Why do you keep messing with me?!"

"Because someone has to remind you that you're nothing! If I wanted to kill myself, I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ.  You must have been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen. Everybody hates you and nobody cares about your well-being!"

"That's not true!"

"Hell yeah, it is!" James quickly unscrewed the top of the water bottle.


He then forcefully moved the water from the bottle onto my head by turning it upside down from above. He chuckled evilly as droplets fell on the floor from my hair. It crawled down my neck and went down to my spine. It got on my face and my pants while the back of my shirt was almost soaked.

It was quite cold.

Lance immediately unzipped his jacket and started to dry me. "Keith! You okay?"

I could hear Pidge and Hunk running down the hallways. I sighed in relief as I wiped some of the water away from my eyes. I shivered from the frosty chill but tried not to show it.

I looked over at James who was smirking. I could tell that Lance wanted to punch him.

"Stupid bit-!" Lance raised his voice. He quickly shuffled to him with anger.

I grabbed Lance by the shoulders and held him. I calmly put him behind me and looked at James, dead in the eyes.

"W-Why..." my voice shook, "do you hate me..?"

One of James's eyebrows went up, "What?"

"You heard me... why do you hate me? You treat me like garbage and you've always made my life a living nightmare. You're constantly tearing me down yet we've never had a decent conversation. Why do you hate me..?"

A few tears ran down my face. I tried to not sob. Lance was still mad and I didn't want him to get in trouble.

James sighed, "I... don't hate you."

"BULLSH-!" Lance yelled, dropping his jacket.

"Lance!" I said. "Calm down, please?"

He glared at him then took a deep breath. Lance rolled his eyes and stood there in a sassy posture.

"Keith, I don't hate you," James repeated.

I looked at him confusingly, "What?"

"I don't hate you..."

Time paused for a few seconds.

"...You don't?"

"No, I don't."

"Then why do you keep hurting me?"

James stayed quiet. He crossed his arms and looked down at the floor. I waited patiently for his response. He gave off a vibe of embarrassment or something. Silence had crept its way into our fight.

"...B-Because..." James stuttered.

I gulped hard.

"Cause, every time I want to k-kiss you, I have to stop m-myself from doing so by making you h-hate me so it'd never happen!"

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