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Lance's POV:

~Time Skip to Wednesday~

Hunk, Pidge, Keith and I were walking in the hallways to the field. We usually ate there since big crowds and loud noises can scare Pidge and Keith. Everything was going fine.

But then I slowly examined Keith.

He was a lot paler now and his body was extremely skinny. You could see his collar bone and his jawline. He seemed weak, his legs kept shaking with every step he took. He used the wall and lockers to keep himself from falling.

We were all concerned about him.

"Keith?" I asked. The group stopped and glanced at him.

"Yeah?" Keith returned. He tried to stand without having his legs shiver.

"Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself..."

"Lance, I'm good, don't worry. My PE teacher gave our class a hard time today so I'm a bit wobbly."

"We can walk slower if you want. You should try to slow down so that you don't end up shaking even more."

"No, no, it's okay. I don't want to slow us down. That's the last thing I want to do right now."

Hunk, Pidge, and I looked at each other. Then we faced Keith with concern.

I sighed then walked over to him and reached out my hand.

"Let me help you walk so you won't have a hard time," I offered.

"Lance..." Keith started, "I'm fine, really."

"No, you're not. Just hold onto me, I'll keep you balanced."

Keith smiled then slowly reached out to me. He gripped tightly then pushed himself away from the wall. Soon, I could feel him clinging onto my hand as if he was gonna say his last words. His legs were jelly.

Then almost instantly, Keith collapsed onto the floor. He was out of breath and could barely stand again.

I bent down, "Keith, you have to take it easy."

"I'm... trying," he said.

He tried to get up but I stopped him, "Let me help you, I'll carry one side and someone can do the other."

"But I can walk..."

"Terribly? That's for sure."

Keith sighed, "What good am I if I can't even stand on my own two feet..? Pathetic..."

"Keith... you're not pathetic. You're just tired, okay? Nothing's wrong with that."

He paused then showed a small smile.

I took one of his arms and wrapped it around my shoulder. Pidge got his other half and we strongly carried him to the field. Keith was still trying to walk on his own, but it was difficult for him.

Keith's POV:

~At the field~

We were finally settled down and started to eat. Hunk ate some leftover lasagna and Pidge had a peanut butter sandwich. Lance was eating two small tacos while I just drank water.

"Are you not hungry?" Pidge asked out of nowhere.

I was caught off guard, "Come again?"

"Are you not hungry?"

"Nope, I'm good. I ate a lot at brunch so I'm stuffed."

What I really did at brunch was go to the bathroom and vomit my breakfast.

"But you just came back from PE," Hunk said, "you shouldn't be full. Plus, brunch was like 2 hours ago."

"Guys! I'm okay, seriously. I'm not hungry," I continued to drink water.

I could tell that they were concerned. I must have looked a lot different. But it was a good different, they just hadn't seen it yet.

I got a text message from my phone. I assumed it was James. I was right.

JamesTheGreat: I see you with your friends. Your body has grown smaller, good job, Keith. I didn't think you had it in you.

I let out a sigh of relief then turned off my phone once more.

Suddenly, I started to feel light headed. I put one hand on the ground to keep myself from falling back. I put the water on the grass and tried both hands. They became shaky.

Lance put down his food then crawled to me. "Keith? Keith? What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know!"

I looked at him with a scared expression on my face. I have to admit, I was about to cry. Lance tried to take my hands but they were locked in place. I didn't have time to think.

Suddenly, I fainted.

Realizing || Klance fanfic || Highschool AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora