Fake Heart

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3rd person:

Keith went running with the forms and two backpacks.

It was a gamble of time. Lance had to be in class before the bell would ring.

There were only 30 minutes left of searching.

He checked everywhere. The courtyard,   the club rooms, all the nooks, and crannies everywhere! The bathrooms as well.

Except for one, the boys' bathroom at the other side of campus.

Keith ran with all his might. He was breathing deeply with his arms swaying back and forth.

So many thoughts were running through his head. Concerns, fears, worries, every possible bad feeling you could think of.

After 5 minutes of intense running, he made it.

He was catching his breath outside the bathroom. He looked up at the ceiling and gulped. He fully recovered in a minute or two.

So he went inside.

"Lance..?" He asked as he walked.

You could hear a faint cry in one of the stalls.

Keith walked up to the stall with the loudest cry. "Hey... it's me, Keith."

The soft crying continued.

"I know you're not okay. I know Lotor hurt you. Shiro kicked him out of the club and has to do service. He'll bother you less."

A slip of silence made its way in the bathroom. Keith placed the stuff on the floor.

"Listen... Lance."

Keith put his head against the door. Lance took a deep breath then leaned on the stall walls.

"You're hella strong and you're not some animal. You are worth more than anything in this entire world. If Lotor doesn't see that, then he's blind. You're awesome and passionate and amazing. Beautiful too."

"D-Don't l-lie..."

"I'm not lying Lance, I'm serious. Pidge and Hunk would say the same and you know it."

"H-How would y-you k-know..?"

"Because we're all friends, remember? Lance, we care about you. You're an incredible person with so much to offer to the world. Everything you do does matter and is meaningful."

Lance stayed quiet then sniffed. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Lotor has a fake heart. He's a complete jerk. He practically abuses you, but verbally. But Lance... you're not mean. You are one of the nicest people I've ever met."

"The ugly person here is Lotor, not you..!  Your eyes, they're like two pools so deep, I fear that if I dive in, I might never come up for air. And your smile, the sun itself turns jealous and refuses to come up from behind the clouds, knowing, it can't shine half as bright."

Lance chuckled, "I kinda do have a nice smile, don't I?"

"Yes, you do."

The two of them started to laugh.

"You memorized that whole scene?" Lance said.

"You can blame my little sister, Acxa. She watches it all the time. I hear that movie at least twice a week."

Lance cracked a smile. He opened the stall door to see Keith smiling as well.

"Hey, mullet."

"Hey, goofball."

A moment of silence passed.

Lance suddenly started to cry again and gave Keith a big hug. He was sobbing on his shirt and his eyes were turning a bit red.

Keith hugged him back and held him tight.

Lance looked at Keith, "So L-Lotor's out of the club?"

"Yeah, crazy, right?"

"I saw it coming," he giggled with the other, "what's your p-punishment?"

"Detention after school for a month."

"For how long?"

"An hour a day."

He looked down, "I'm s-sorry I got you into t-trouble..." another tear fell.

Keith wiped it with his hand. "Hey, hey, hey, it's not your fault."

"It kind of is. I wish I wasn't so powerless and pathetic. Not to mention how weird I am..."

"Hey, stop it! You are none of those things! You're like the total opposite!"

They beamed at each other and stopped hugging.

Lance continued, "Thank you, Keith, for today." Keith nodded.

Keith suddenly remembered the forms and looked at the papers. He quickly handed Lance's backpack to him and one of the slips. He put on his own and carried the other.

"We gotta get to class right now!" He panicked. "With what just happened plus the distance, I have about 15 minutes to get you to class!"

"But what about you?"

"Does it look like I care about what happens to me? All that matters is getting you to class!"

Keith grabbed his hand and they started to run to Lance's science class. On the way there, Lance started to blush from the sudden touch.

Realizing || Klance fanfic || Highschool AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora