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3rd Person POV:

~3 1/2 Days Later~

Lance was standing in front of his locker. He muttered a few quiet insults to himself as his left hand made a fist. His heart was shaking and his pride was broken. He covered his head with the top of his hoodie and stood there.

Keith walked up to him slowly, "Hey Lan-!"

He witnessed the boy in front of him, holding a blue notebook.

He was interrupted by Lance's mumbling. "You'll forget your lines and ruin everything..! It's bound to happen since you're so stupid. You'll be embarrassed for the rest of your life! Your classmates will laugh at you for messing up, that's what they always do. Why would this time be any different?"

Keith could see tears forming in his eyes. He stepped closer and tried to look at him directly.

"Hey... Lance?"

The nervous teen snapped out of his thoughts. His eyes lit up in surprise, they became more watery. He wiped them with the left sleeve that was attached to his jacket. He looked at Keith who seemed worried.

"Are you... doing alright?" Keith asked.

Lance tried to smile for him but immediately started to silently cry. He wanted to reassure him that everything was alright but he was too sad to lie. His spine curved inch by inch as he buried himself into Keith's arms.

"C-Can..." Lance stuttered, "we go somew-where... private?"

He nodded then steadily walked him to the gym. He put the boy stay close to him as they walked. The trip was quiet but they could both hear each other's deep breathing.

Keith sat him down and let Lance lay his head on his lap. "What happened..? You seemed okay on Saturday... did Lotor say something?!"

Lance put the book down beside him. He was hesitant about saying anything. Tears were pouring down his eyes as his feet shivered. He stayed dead quiet.

Keith rubbed his back, "Please tell me what's wrong."

He bent down and softly kissed his lover's cheek. They were still for a moment then retracted. They both smiled weakly and held hands.

The two teens sat up. Lance reached for the blue journal and let out a long sigh. He opened his notes. The more papers he turned, the more he wanted to bawl.

A couple of seconds later, he stopped near the middle of the spine. He directly handed it to his partner and looked up at the ceiling.

The page that was filled with nasty comments. He could tell that what was said, wasn't Lance's handwriting.

Keep talking, one day you'll say something intelligent.

You're living proof that men can live without a brain.

How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?

I hear you're in a play, don't mess up your lines again!

If you fall in the middle of your performance, we'll make sure to laugh.

Why can't you be smart like the rest of us? Waste of space...

Kill yourself, dummy!

Keith gripped tighter on the page. He ripped it off the book and shredded it with his hands. He crumpled them into a little pile then threw it into a nearby trash can. He immediately ran up to Lance and hugged him tightly.

"Who the fuck wrote that stuff?!" He cursed.

Lance sighed, "Just some kids from my class..."

Keith grabbed his face and looked at him in the eyes. "Whatever you do, DO, NOT, BELIEVE THEM!"

"But... I'm just a stupid goofball who can't do anything right. Nothing is smaller than my brain and now my confidence is paying the price! I should just keep my head down and not talk at all. No one would have to deal with my annoying voice."

"Hey! Stop it! You shouldn't feel that way about yourself!"

"Why not? It's what people have been telling me for years. What if all this time, I've just been blind?"

"Because you are none of those things and you shouldn't keep quiet! Their opinions don't matter!"

"Why don't they?!"

"Because those people don't know the beautiful, smart, funny, amazing, and awesome Lance that I know and love!"

"I AM PATHETIC! My head is hollow and there's nothing I can do about it! I can't even keep my feelings under control!"

"NO YOU'RE NOT! You're the greatest person I know and I'm never taking that back. You are not stupid, so stop believing that you are ! And it's okay to be a little emotional, I am too!"

"You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend!"

"Which is why you should believe me because I understand you!"

"What do you understand then?!"

Lance pushed Keith away with force. His eyes showed anger and sadness. I backed up, my face looked pissed.

I yelled, "I understand the pain and humiliation and frustration and fear that you are feeling at this very moment! I understand that you feel like the whole world is against you! I understand what you're emotions are because I've been through the same thing!"

Lance stopped and became timid. He crossed his arms and looked down. Goosebumps appeared on his skin.

Keith walked up to him. "Lance, right now, I'm probably the only person who can get a grasp of your despair."

The boy kept quiet.

"I'm really sorry for yelling..." Keith apologized, "I didn't mean to raise my voice. I just don't see why some-!"

"Shut it, Keith," Lance said coldly.

He got away from him and walked over to his notebook. He snatched it from the floor and started to make his way to the school halls.

"Wait, Lance!" Keith pleaded. "I'm sorry!"

"Look," the boy turned around, "I know you're trying to help. I love you for that, I really do. But right now... please... don't talk to me."

Just like that, the Cuban boy was out the door.

Keith stood there in awe. He put his hands on the side of his head and crouched down. His mind was traveling across a globe of stress and failure. It felt like he stabbed himself in the heart.

For the first time, the two partners had a small quarrel.

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