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Hii~ I'm sorry I didn't update sooner

My birthday was today and I wanted to celebrate with my family. I played Persona 5 and ate some cake so I was a bit busy.

Again, I apologize T_T

Keith's POV:

~3 Days Later: Saturday~

Lance and the others had been helping me regain weight. They were gently trying to get me to eat and it sorta worked. Lance wanted me to tell him whenever I felt like purposely throwing up.

I owed him, so I agreed to.

Ever since then, the three of them had been comforting me. My parents had a new second pair of eyes to watch me. Of course, the support was great, but I still got bad thoughts.

I was recovering though.

We hadn't done much about James. Pidge was still making plans with Hunk and Lance was caught up, trying to feed me. I was like a baby, a baby Keith. One that couldn't eat on its own. I hated that, but I brought that upon myself.

Now I needed to deal with not being able to properly pick up a spoon.

We were in Lance's room. We wanted to practice lines but we ended up chatting instead. Lance was on the bed, gazing at the ceiling. I was on the floor, thinking about birthdays.

The enjoyment was all the same.

"Lance?" I asked.

He said, "What's up?"

"When's your birthday?"

"July 28th, when's yours?"

"October 23rd, do you want anything?"

"For my birthday?" He put his hands under his head. "No, not really. I mean I do have wishes, but they're hard to fulfill."

"Really? What are they?"

"World peace, more accepting people, no poverty, stuff like that. I'm wishing for the possible in the impossible."

"Nothing is impossible."

"I like to tell myself that every night even though it's not really true."

"Yeah, it is! I'm serious!"

"I'm serious too."

We went quiet for a moment.

"...Keith?" Lance tilted his head back.

"Hm?" I looked into his eyes.

"Are you okay with having me as Juliet?"

I chuckled, "Honestly, I'm more than okay with it. You're a great actor and I couldn't have asked for a better partner."

Lance blushed. "I'm not even decent when it comes to acting though."

"Don't say that, you're awesome. Trust me on that."

"Thanks," Lance sat up and smiled brightly.

He's too cute! I thought.

Suddenly, my stomach began to grumble. Lance looked at it then at me.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No, I'm good. I ate earlier today so I'm okay."

"And when did you eat?" His eyebrows went up.

I paused, "... 8 am..." it was 6 pm.

"Keith! You didn't eat lunch?"

I nodded sadly, "I was gonna, but I got some dark thoughts. I'm too weak..."

Lance got off his bed then sat in front of me.

"Keith..." he sighed, "you should've eaten. You need to pull through it."

I just stayed quiet. I felt ashamed for not doing so. I had tried to eat, but I was still in a bad condition. A lot of voices in my head kept taunting me. They kept threatening me.

So, I listened. I just didn't want to hear them anymore.

"And you are not weak!" Lance insisted.

I could tell he was disappointed, his eyes told me. I frowned and looked down at the floor.

Then Lance walked outside his room. I waited patiently for him to come back. I played with my thumbs as I became more and more anxious.

After about what seemed like 3 minutes, he came back.

In his left hand, he held a mug of microwaveable Mac & Cheese. In the other, he had a fork and a napkin. I knew he was gonna try to make me eat on my own.

He sat in front of me, placing the items down. "Can you do it on your own?"

I looked at the food and sighed, "...I guess I can try."

Pathetic. The voices thought. You're pathetic. You are 15 years old and you still need someone to feed you. How lame can you get? If you can't pick up a spoon, then you're just a baby. Babies can't eat, they're too little.

But you, you're big and fat. The fact that you can't eat on your own is sick. You don't deserve to eat! Why did you have to give up? You were making great progress but then you gave up! You're so weird!

I chuckled nervously and picked up the cup. "Yeah... I can definitely try..."

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