Oh Shit

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Keith's POV:

I shouldn't have given Lance advice. I thought. What do I know? I'm a mess...

"Keith?" Shiro called. "You in there?"

"M-Maybe..." I stuttered.

"Can you come out? We'll be gent-!"

"N-No..!" I punched the floor and started to slowly sob. I curled up into a ball.

I heard Shiro talking. "I don't think he's gonna get out of there anytime soon."

Lance was really nervous, "W-What about his sister?"

"Axca is out of town. We'd have to wait a long time for her to get here."

Lance frowned.

"Maybe we should give him some alone time," Hunk said, "if he doesn't want to talk, he doesn't need to."

Shiro stood up, "That sounds good."

The four of them looked at the closet. They walked outside, I could feel their footsteps leave the room. They closed the door behind them.

I opened the closet weakly. I sat on top of my bed and sobbed loudly.

I couldn't help but cry. I knew they'd be supportive since Lance came out. But I was scared of their reaction. What if they see me differently? I thought in fear.

I yelled into my pillow then continued to cry. I felt emotionally drained. It made me feel like I was stuck at the bottom of the ocean.

Where was I..?

~10 minutes later~

I stopped crying. I looked down at my shaky hands. I tried not to cry more. My eyes didn't need to get any redder.

Suddenly, I could hear three people go in front of my door. They kept giggling and arguing.

I stood up and sat behind the door.

"Pidge!" Hunk yelled.

"I'm not good at this!" Pidge defended.

"C'mon! For Keith!"

Hunk shoved Pidge lightly. She crossed her arms. She squatted.

"K-Keith?" She stuttered.

I stayed quiet as she knocked on the door 6 times.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" She sang roughly.

I tilted my head.

"C'mon lets go and plaaay. I never see you anymore. Come out the door. It's like you've gone away..!" She tried to sound childish.

I smiled and rubbed my eyes.

"We used to be best buddies, and now we're not. I wish you could tell me whyyyy!"

Pidge went up next to the doorknob, "Do you wanna be a snowman?" She spoke into the hole. "It doesn't have to be a snowman~"

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM PIDGE!" Lance yelled.

"Okay bye..." Pidge walked away from the door.

I started to laugh from Lance's burst. To me, that was hilarious.

Hunk suddenly knocked on the door, "dO yOu wAnNa bUiLd a sNoWmAn?!"

I began to die of laughter. I laid down on the floor and continued to chuckle.

"oR rIdE oUr bIkEs aRoUnD tHe hAlLsSsS? I think some company is oVeRdO! I started talking to the pictures on the wAlLs!"

"HANG IN THERE KEITH!" Lance yelled again.

"It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms. Just watching the hours go bYyYyY!!"

Lance and Pidge switched parts, "Tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock."

They could hear me laughing and began to giggle.

Hunk walked away from the door. He went over to Pidge who was with Lance.

"You have to be really dramatic and emotional, okay?" Pidge reminded him.

"Yes boss," Lance said.

I placed my hand on the door. I was excited to hear Lance sing. At that point, I didn't care if he'd sound bad. I was just glad the three of them sang.

Lance walked up to the door. He kneeled and knocked. Then, he softly sang.

"Keith?" He placed his hand on the door. "Please, I know you're in there... people are asking where you've been."

I immediately blushed. Oh shit. Lance can sing. He sounds like a beautiful angel.

"They say have courage, and I'm trying to. I'm right out here for you, just let me in~"

His voice made my eyes tear up again.

"We could've had each other, it's just you and me. What are we gonna do..." Lance had his back to the door.

He looked at Pidge and Hunk who were smiling warmly.

Lance sounded like he was gonna cry. "Do you wanna build a snowman..?"

A tear fell from my right eye. His voice was so pretty. I began to cry silently with few gasps for breath.

Lance turned around and faced the door, "Hey, Keith? You there?"

"Y-Yeah?" I stuttered.

"You doing okay?"

"A bit, y-yeah..."

"That's good."

We stayed quiet for a bit.

"Look, Keith," Lance said, "I want you to know something."

"What is i-it?"

"Pidge... Hunk... and I... we care for you. You're a great and awesome person, whoever disagrees can die in a hole. When you said that someone has said really rude things to you, it broke my heart. I don't see why someone would hurt such a nice person. You being gay... doesn't change my opinion about you."

Water was pouring from my eyes.

"Keith... please come out. We miss you..." he whispered, "I miss you."

My eyes widened. He misses me? I thought. Really?

We both stood up at the same time. I slowly unlocked my door and opened it.

Lance looked at my messy hair and tired eyes. "K-Keith!"

I walked up to him. I looked at him in the eyes. The second I did, I started to cry all over again.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Shiro recording it all.

I hugged him tightly as grateful tears ran down. Lance patted my head as he hugged me back. Pidge and Hunk went next to us and smiled warmly.

Yeah, I love my friends... especially Lance.

Realizing || Klance fanfic || Highschool AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora