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Lance's POV:

~10 minutes later~

We were all sitting down in the living room. Except for Shiro, he was busy.

I had my arm wrapped around Keith's shoulder. He was still recovering. Pidge, Hunk, and I were listening to him talk.

"I've come out to people before..." Keith trailed off, "that hasn't gone well. I figured out I was gay before high school. Before that, I had a couple of "friends" so I wanted to tell them."

"What happened?" I asked.

Keith looked at me with a sad expression on his face. He stared at the ground.

"...One of them called me a disgusting fag. The rest of them said that I was a freak. Then they all started to chant "fairy" really loudly. As soon as I knew it... everyone in school knew."

"After that, every day was hell, even the weekends. I was given every single rude comment you could possibly think of. When there wasn't school, people were posting photos of me..."

Keith pulled out his phone and went to Instagram. He went to an account and scrolled for a few seconds. He stopped then tapped on a picture. He showed it to us.

In the photo, someone was holding onto Keith's arms. He was struggling to break free from the person's grasp. Two other teens were pulling on his black hair. One more kid was writing "faggot" on his forehead with a black marker.

He scrolled a little more.

Keith was looking down at the floor. The locker in front of him read "loser" in red paint. There were a few students around him who were giggling a bit.

Then, Keith swiped to the last picture we got to see.

It was disgusting.

Small Keith was terrified. So many tears were running down his face. He was fully naked but was trying to hide his body with a towel. He looked so ashamed and scared.

Keith put away his phone and immediately began to cry again.

He retreated to my arms and hugged me tightly. I rubbed his back and rested my head on his. I couldn't believe the pain he was put through. I hated it.

"Now it all makes sense..." Pidge said.

She and Hunk sat next to the two. We all hugged Keith.

"Who the hell would make you go through all that..?!" I mumbled angrily.

"J-James and h-his gang..." I heard Keith whisper.

Hunk, Pidge, and I looked at each other with anger in our eyes. "They're gonna pay!" We growled.

Keith sat up. I wiped his tears gently and he smiled back. "Thank you guys... for being so supportive."

"Anytime," Hunk said.

Pidge smiled, "It's only right!"

"I love yo-!" I coughed violently. "We love you. I don't see why we wouldn't."

Hunk and Pidge began to laugh. Keith was smiling with me.

"Hey kids," Shiro said, sitting on a separate chair.

"Hi Mr. Shirogane," we all said.

"Don't call me that, call me Shiro."

"Yes, sir."

Keith saw Shiro holding a stack of papers. "What are those?"

"Scripts for the play. I finished adjusting them to fit all the roles."

"Speaking of roles, have you assigned them yet?"

"Not all of them, but I've got Romeo, Juliet, and I've thought about Pidge and Hunk's scene."

The four of us smiled with excitement.

"First, Pidge and Hunk."

"Yes?" The two of them asked.

"I'll have to squeeze it in for it to work, which is difficult. But, I'll try my hardest to put it into the show."

Hunk and Pidge stood up and bowed. "THANK YOU SHIRO!" They inter-twined fingers and jumped around happily. After their little moment, they sat back down, grinning.

"Now... Romeo and Juliet."

Pidge took out her phone and started recording.

I suddenly felt Keith holding my hand tightly. I blushed the color red but tried to keep my cool. Although, I couldn't help but smile.

"Keith..." Shiro said, "you really surprised me. You're actually great at acting and can be flirty when you do."

Keith began to blush too.

"Also, since you haven't really played any major roles in our plays, I thought it was only fair... to cast you as Romeo!"

We all clapped and cheered for Keith. He smiled even more and started to talk to me like a little kid.

"Lancey! Lancey! Lancey! I got it! I got it!" He now held both of my hands.

"Congratulations!" I said with happiness.

We both looked down at our palms.

"Your hands are soft," Keith said out of nowhere.


Keith fake coughed then removed his hands from mine. Why is he so goddamn cute?!

"Now... Lance."

I was at the edge of my seat when Shiro said my name.

"You stuttered a bit, but you still managed really well. Additionally, when you were singing to Keith, you had a load of emotion, which is great."

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"So... you will be Keith's Juliet."

"HELL YEAH!" I stood up and raised a fist to the air.

I grabbed ahold of Keith and held him close. He was blushing, "L-Lance..."

I looked at Shiro with determined eyes. "We'll be the greatest Romeo and Juliet in the world! Just you wait!"

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