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Lance's POV:

Keith and I were in complete shock about what James said. We were looking at each other nervously and back at him with confusion. We didn't want to believe him.

"I'm s-sorry..." James mumbled. I could see tears starting to form.

Liar... my brain cussed.

Keith reached his hand out to him but then flinched. He looked back at me. He touched his own lips and pointed at James.

He waited for me to respond.

I knew what he was suggesting. I didn't want to approve of it, but there was a good reason to why Keith wanted to do it. Plus, I felt bad. I sighed and nodded.

Then Keith locked eyes with his bully.

I shook out a few negative thoughts from my brain. Some remained and tortured me quietly as the new found madness spread throughout the halls. I took slow deep breaths. I tried to not think of the obvious.

"When you least expect it..." Keith said, stepping closer to James. He put his hands around him, "your dreams become part of your reality..."

I put my hands in my pockets.  Their chests became connected as they slowly leaned into each other. James got a hold of Keith's jaw and brought it closer to his lips.

I grew anxious and my hands were in fists. I bit some chapped parts of my lips. The moment seemed to play in slow motion. I felt a chill come up my spine as the twisted man got his painful wish granted.

I looked down at the floor and tried to cover my vision by ducking my head.

But it was clear from the noises, that they were kissing.

I tried my best not to look or think about it. I didn't need to ruin the moment for James. Though it pained me to know, at least it only lasted for a bit. But every second I stood there... felt like needles, slowly piercing my back.

It hurt, a lot.

The kiss made me angry, but I needed to give Keith the chance to make something right. It just didn't seem right to bother it. After what felt like 10 seconds, I fake coughed.

The two of them immediately backed up. Keith quickly shuffled back to my side while James ran his fingers through his hair.

"Keith..." James said. He pointed at me, "are you dating him?"

Keith looked at me and smiled, "Yeah, I am." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

He's mine, my brain thought, no one else's. James had better keep his hands to himself next time.

"And he was okay with you kissing me?"

Another pin hit my skin.

He nodded, "Yup, I was given permission."

James looked at me, "Thanks..?"

"Lance," I said, walking up to him. It felt as if I was stepping on hot coals.

"Thanks, Lance. I know Keith is taken... I don't think I should hurt someone I... care about. But, it's really nice of you for letting me do the impossible."

He reached out his hand for me to shake. I chuckled at his words.

"James, nothing is impossible." I shook his hand firmly.

A sharp pain poked my palm.

I looked back at Keith who mouthed, "Thank you," to me.

I wanted to giggle at him. Instead, I faced James again and put my hurt hand back in my pocket. I walked and stood next to Keith.

Then almost instantly, he started to bow like crazy. "I'm really sorry! I should have been reasonable! I didn't mean to be so cruel..! I just didn't know what to do and I was too flustered so I couldn't talk to you and when that rumor spread around, I couldn't stop myself fro-!"

Keith grabbed his shoulders and made him stand up straight. "Dude, calm down. It's alright... I forgive you."

James's eyes widened. Mine did too.

We both smiled at him. Mine wasn't sincere but fake. I really didn't like him, but being rude, was not what I wanted to show.

James immediately thanked Keith and apologized for the time he sprained my wrist. The whole time, he was grinning. I couldn't tell if it was a lying smirk or not. We were both convinced that he was an okay guy.

Suddenly, James got a text from someone.

He checked his phone and wore a sad frown on his face. "I... have to go. Football stuff." He turned to my boyfriend, "Sorry Keith..."

I wanted to growl at him.

"It's cool James, we should talk again sometime."

"D-Definitely!" He blushed in excitement. He started to back up slowly and wave goodbye to us.

HAHA! You wish you had my man!

Keith waved back, "Talk to you later!"

I didn't need another needle on me, so my hands hid. Soon, James was gone.

Keith's POV:

"KEITH!" Shiro yelled.

He came running towards me with Hunk and Pidge. The three of them examined me. There was a puddle underneath my feet and my hair was slightly wet. My pants had drops of water on them and my eyes were puffy.

"What the hell..?" Shiro said under his breath.

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