Beat up

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Lance's POV:

"It's been a while, fatty."

Fatty? I thought. Does this James person have the right guy? Keith is not fat. He has freakin muscles.

I saw Keith on the ground, he looked scared, just like in the photos. James was towering him with an evil shadow. Luckily, it was only James.

But it didn't make sense. At the beginning of the school year, James got into a big fight. He was suspended for a month but after that, he disappeared. Why is he here?! I thought. And where's his gang?

I immediately ran and stood in front of Keith. Pidge swiftly went to him and helped him stand up.

"What are you doing here James?!" I yelled.

The guy laughed, "Im just paying a little visit to my... buddy. To be honest, I'm not allowed to be here."

"Then why show up now?!" I clenched my fist.

James backed up, "Woah, woah! No need to get hostile buddy!"

"Don't call me your buddy!"

"Okay, okay! Defensive much..?"

Pidge got Keith to stand up. He was a little bit shaky.

"Aww, look who stood up," James said. "Too bad that push couldn't keep you down."

"What do you want with Keith?!" I continued.

"Oh, you know, I just want to chat with him."


"About old times, of course! We used to be good friends."

"Don't lie to me! We both know that that's not true at all! Why don't you leave him alone?!"

I raised my fist at his face with an angry expression. But he grabbed my wrist and kept intensifying the pressure. It started to hurt.

"Watch you mouth Mclain," he threatened, "know your place."

"You don't scare me!"

He squeezed my wrist harder. I let out a sound of obvious pain.

"Mess with me, and I'll break that ugly face of yours."

He stared into my eyes angrily. You could tell I was a bit nervous, but I still stood my ground.

Suddenly, James harshly let go of my wrist. He looked down at Keith and smirked. Then he glanced at me and stuck out his middle finger. He walked away, giggling.

I let out a big sigh then turned to Keith, "You okay?"

He looked at me with scared eyes. He then ran up to me and gave me a big hug. I patted his back.

"H-He's back..." Keith's voice choked, "sh-shit..." I could feel a tear on my shirt.

"Don't worry..." I said softly, "he won't hurt you."

He looked up at him, "H-How do y-you know..?"

"Cause I promise, on my life," I stood him up and shaped his hand to have his pinky finger sticking out. I grabbed ahold of his with mine, "that I won't let him cause you any more pain."

A stream of tears came out of Keith. He quickly wiped them away. "Th-Thank you... y-you too Pidge."

Pidge and I smiled back, hoping to make him smile too. His grin was cute, I wanted to see it again.

Suddenly I felt more pain coming from my wrist. I grabbed it and tried to make it stop.

Pidge went up to me and held it, "Does it hurt a lot?"

"It just stings a bit," I lied.

Keith looked at it, there was a small red spot. "We should get that checked out. Let's go to the nurse's office."

"Keith, it's okay. It'll just heal on its on. Plus, I don't want us to be late."

"Lance, it's not okay. You're hurt. You'll feel less pain if someone treats it."

I looked at Pidge with concern. "Don't worry, I'll cover for you both."

I hugged Pidge, "Thank you! I owe you one."

"Actually you owe me 10, for all those other times I helped you."

I scratched my neck, "Yeah, okay, I'll make it up to you soon."

"You better. Now get going."

Keith and I smiled at her. We turned around with him holding my wrist in place. We could a photo click coming from a phone. I looked back to see Pidge taking photos of us. Once she spotted my eyes, she quickly ran away to math.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Keith asked what was funny but I said nothing.

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