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Keith's POV:

~10 minutes later: Keith's home~

Mr. Shirogane opened the door, "Hey."

"Hey dad," Keith said.

Lance, Pidge, and Hunk were in complete shock. "He's your dad?!"

"Well, my stepdad. I never told you guys?"


"Well now you know." He turned to them. "Let's get inside."

They began to walk. They made it into the living room.

Keith looked at the others, "So what do you guys wanna do?"

"Can we see your room?" Lance asked.

"Uh... its a bit messy."

"We don't mind." Pidge and Hunk gave him a thumbs up.

Keith pondered, "Okay then... let's go."

Keith guided his friends. Shiro watched TV. When they got there, the 4 of them made themselves comfortable.

Keith's room was beige with a red ceiling. His floor was dark wood. He had a black desk with one notepad. The bed was a combination of purple and white. His closet was closed shut.

"So what now?" Keith asked.

Pidge and Hunk looked at each other evilly, "Let's play Truth or Dare."

Lance and Keith spoke, "Really?"


"Why?" Lance asked. "The game's for kids and the dares can be really dumb. Let's not."

Pidge shrugged, "Guess you're too chicken."

Lance's eyes widened. "Fine! I'll play, but only because I don't want to look like a pussy! What about you Keith?"

Keith sighed, "I guess we can play. Let's just not dare each other to reck the house."

Hunk clapped. "Ok! Who's up first?"

"Me!" Lance called. "Pidge! Truth or dare?"

She adjusted her glasses, "Truth."

"What do you sexually identity as, gender wise."

She thought, "A scientist." She giggled, "I don't care about my gender so I don't know."

"Aw man!" he flopped on the bed.

"My turn, Keith, truth or dare?"  Pidge asked.

"Dare," Keith responded.

"I dare you to wear my glasses. I want to see what you'd look like."

"Hm... okay."

Pidge handed her pair of spectacles to Keith. He looked at the lenses then put them on. He made them slide down his nose a bit.

Lance started to blush. "Hey! You d-don't look th-that bad!"


"Thanks Lance, Pidge? Hunk?"

"Those look really good on you!" Hunk complemented.

"Wow, an emo looking okay with my glasses. Surprise, surprise," Pidge said.

Keith gave them back to her. "Your turn Keith."

"Okay, Hunk?"

Hunk said, "I'll go with dare."

"I dare you to insult me."

"What? No!"

"It's a dare~ you have to do it."

Hunk started to feel bad. "Fine..." Hunk took a deep breath. He processed a comment in his head.

"KEITH KOGAY, YOU CAN BE SUCH A BITCH! It's too bad that you can't count jumping to conclusions and running your mouth as exercise! And guess what? Acting like a prick doesn't make yours grow bigger! Maybe you should eat makeup so you'll be pretty on the inside! I thought I had the flu, but then I realized your face makes me sick to my stomach."

The three were in complete shock.

"Was that okay?" Hunk asked innocently.

Keith laid down next to Lance. "Y-Yup..!" He hid his face in the pillows.

"You okay?" Lance whispered.

"Nope..." Keith looked at up, "Karma."

Small tears started to form. Lance rubbed his back.

"Lance! Truth or dare?" Hunk asked.

"Dare!" Lance responded.

"I dare you to dare Pidge!"

Lance tilted his head, "What?"

"You heard me."

"C'mon dude! That's not even a dare!"

"Yes it is."

Lance groaned. "Fine..! Pidge! Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Pidge said.

"Are you insecure about anything?"

Pidge began to think, "Yes... I'm insecure about some things. Me correcting the teacher, my hair sometimes, my height, my body, etc."

Hunk hugged her. "You're great, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," she chuckled, "Keith."

Keith looked up with puffy eyes, "...Y-Yeah?"

"Are you crying?"

"I-I'm not c-crying..."

Hunk said, "Sorry buddy, I didn't mean anything I said."

"It's a-alright. You're not the first person to say that m-me." Keith sat up, "What's up Pidge?"

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth I guess."

"What's your sexuality? Gay, straight, bisexual, what?"

Lance looked at Keith. His eyes were wide open.

"I don't th-think I can a-answer that..." Keith stuttered.

"Why not?"

"N-No reason..."

"If there's no reason, then you should be able to answer."

"I-I... um..."

"Pidge," Lance looked at her, "he doesn't have to answer if he doesn't want to."

"It's a truth~ he has to do it," Pidge mocked.

Keith looked down at the floor. "I-I'll give you a h-hint. S-Some people treat o-others badly f-for it."

"So you're not straight."

Keith didn't respond.

Lance made Keith rest on his shoulder, "You don't have to tell them. If you rather not, that's okay."

Keith sighed and stood up. He nervously crossed his arms. He made eyes with Pidge.

"So..?" She said.

He walked then opened his closet. He stood inside then closed the door. He sat down with his knees to his chest.

There was silence.

"I'm gay..." Keith said.

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