A Fucking God

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Lance's POV:

My brain had thought of a bunch of things. The voice in my head was abusing me. It kept breaking and tearing me down. I felt like I was drowning in my own pool of sorrow and loss.

Multiple times, I wanted to give up on everything. Life, breathing, love, things like that. I didn't feel like I was enough for anyone. In my mind, I was just a piece of trash, floating around in space.

But then... Keith tried to defend me from a group of bullies, even after I hurt him.  What a great person I am..


At that moment, he looked like Satan. You could feel the negative energy practically steaming off of him. The face he had was the scariest expression I had ever seen. His eyes were burning with angry flames in them.

The bullies backed up. They had become scared of him.

"Listen up you quiznaking bitches!" Keith walked up to the group and raised his fist. "Lance is the greatest person I've ever met! He shouldn't have to deal with annoying pigs like you! He is NOT dumb, or stupid, or a klutz, or whatever. In fact..."

Keith shoved one of the teens to the side. He pulled me up and helped me stand on my own two feet. He hugged me tightly then smirked at the older boys.

"Compared to you guys," he eyed them all, "Lance is a fucking god." 

The group was silent as each member received a mean glare.

Keith looked at the backpacks and grabbed them, one at a time. He randomly gave everyone their stuff back and sighed.

"You shouldn't hurt someone so nice and awesome. I don't see why you would even think to do such a thing when he hasn't even hurt you. I just... why?"

They stayed silent. One of them gulped hard.

I tapped Keith's shoulder and whispered, "The play..."

"Right," he said, "forgot about that." Keith turned to the bullies, "Take a moment and learn from this, okay?"

They immediately nodded. They were like a herd of sheep, bowing their heads to their caretaker. Soon after, the group ran away with their tails between their legs. I could hear one of them screaming for mercy. I shamefully wanted to giggle.

Keith placed his hand on my head and kissed me slowly.

His arms were set on my shoulders as I proudly gave in. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. We took turns going back and forth for pressure. We would each try to take control of the force but the other would always take over. That repeated for a while.

I stuttered after the kiss, "I-I'm so sorry..! I'm sorry for being so stupid! I sh-shouldn't have been mad at you! That was so dumb of me..."

Keith held me in his arms, "Lance, breath. You were sad and I made it worse. You had and still have every right to be mad at me."

"But I wasn't being fair. My feelings were bottled up and I poured it all out on you. That's not fair at all!"

"Hell yeah, it is! I always shout at the people I love whenever I get angry. So honestly, I completely understand why you did what you did."

"But I-!"

"No buts! You gotta stop living in the past. It's not healthy for you... I don't want you to be sad."

I kept my mouth shut.

"Please..." Keith begged, "don't shut me out next time. Just talk to me, I'll always listen to you..."

I choked back on tears, "I'm s-sorry!"

I stuffed my face into his chest and cried. He patted my back slowly and hugged me tightly.

"Lance..." Keith muttered.

I looked down at him, "Yeah?"

"...You're a very smart person. It just takes you a bit longer to process a lesson. Just because you need more time to learn, doesn't mean you're stupid. You're awesomely intelligent in your own special way, okay?"

"Am I really though..?"

"Of course!"

I laughed and smiled, "I love you..."

Keith kissed my forehead, "I love you too..."

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