Romeo and Juliet

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A/N: This chapter is inspired by a comic (I think that's what it is) by klancestitches on Instagram.

gO rEaD tHeIr sTuFf bc mmm 👌 that's some good stuff

3rd Person POV:

Keith and Lance told the others about James. They revealed the story behind the cover of lost love and confusion. Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro listened through the whole thing. They paid close attention to every small detail and examined the whole thing.

While Keith was telling the story, Lance kept quiet. He felt guilty and terrible and upset about it. He didn't do anything. Although he thought it was for the best, he wished to go back in time and shake his head to his partner.

"So that's you're soaked..." Shiro realized as he handed a towel to Keith.

"The plan went... perfectly?" Pidge questioned.

"Plan? What plan?"

"Well... we had originally planned to make James feel guilty. If someone could have him turn on himself, we thought he'd confess to why he was being cruel to Keith. Ya know, like self-pressure or anxiety."

"I see..."

"But listening to how it all went down, it was a lot more emotional than we thought..."

Keith dapped the cloth on his neck as he nodded. They were all in deep thought as the boy quietly dried himself off.

Pidge turned to Lance, "You alright?"

He got no response. The four of them became worried about the silent teen.

"I-I'm fine," Lance stuttered. He muttered quietly, "why am I such an idiot..?"

He had a distant feeling in his gut. It was almost impossible for him to focus on the conversation. He felt stupid and dumb. He thought he couldn't do anything right. His mind kept telling him that he was a terrible person for letting Keith kiss another man. He wished for a new and better brain. He scratched his knuckles back and forth for a while.

"You're not an idiot," Keith reassured Lance.

"Yes am I," the boy with blue eyes said.

Keith leaned his head on Lance's shoulder. The two of them were scattered in thought. They needed something to distract them.

Luckily, when the time called, someone answered.

Hunk's leg couldn't stop jumping. It had a lot of energy. It moved up and down in a pattern. It slowly started to sound like a beat to a song. Pidge knocked on a wall gently, making a "thump" noise. The two of them synced together. They nodded their heads to the beat.

A few seconds passed with the short noises that continued to play. Keith started to realize what the two of them were doing. Lance was still oblivious.

"Can you hear me," Keith quietly sang. "Talking to you? Across the water~ across the deep, blue?"

They sat up and looked into each other's beautiful eyes. Lance blushed a bit to the sweet tone of Keith's voice. No one had heard him sing before. Although it was just a few lines, it made him smile. It was nice and pretty, just like him.

Keith continued with a grin, "Ocean~! Under the open sky! Oh my, baby, I'm trying..."

"Boy I hear you," Lance moved his shoulders to the beat, "in my dreams. I feel your whisper, across the sea~"

Keith scooted closer to him and placed his hand on top of the Cuban boy's palm. He gripped tightly as the song went on.

Lance sneakily lifted up his lover's jaw. "I keep you with me, in my heart. You make it easier when life gets hard~"

Lance smoothly took his fingers away from his face and smiled. Pidge slapped the wall 10 times at a fast pace. She then proceeded to keep tapping at a slow tempo. Shiro and Hunk started to hum a "C" note.

The two of them sang together. "I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend. I'm lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky to be coming home again~"

Shiro took out his phone and started to record them.

"Ooooh, ooh, oooooh, ooh, ooooh, ooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh..."

Keith and Lance sounded amazing with each other.  They harmonized sweetly and produced a great tone. Smiles were worn by everyone. Even people who were passing by the room decided to listen to them. There was a feeling of love and happiness that showered around them.

It seemed as if time had stopped for the wonderful Romeo and Juliet.

Lance leaned into Keith's face and kissed him. They got closer which caused the space between them to get tight. Lance placed a hand on top of Keith's head. He slowly brought it down to his neck and proceeded to be gentle with his lips. Keith was a bit rough and put his hands on Lance's shoulders. He was more forceful. They were kept in place for a few long seconds then retracted. They both blushed.

"I love you," Keith mouthed to him.

Lance smiled warmly, "I love you too."

"THE SHIP IS SAILING!!" Hunk and Pidge yelled with happiness.

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