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3rd Person POV:

~Next Day: Saturday~

"Lance..?" Hunk softly asked. He nudged him a bit.

The potion Lance drank wore off. He was back in his regular clothes and was asleep in his bed. Pidge and Keith were with him. Lance's mom had asked them to watch him while she and the family went out for breakfast.

"He isn't waking up," Hunk said.

Pidge grinned evilly and grabbed a water bottle from her bag. She opened it quietly and set the cap on the bed.

"Don't do it Pidge," Keith warned her.

Pidge wasn't backing down. She tilted the drink over Lance's head. A splash of water landed on his face.

Lance woke, "Hello..?"

He lifted his head which caused some water to land on the pillow.

Pidge giggled, "Wake up sleepy head."

Lance sat up, he felt some water dripping. He touched his face then started to wipe it off with his blanket.

"Who the hell got me wet?!" He yelled.

The three of them started to laugh. Their joy had intensified. Their dirty minds were thinking beyond the water.

When they calmed down, Hunk and Leith pointed at Pidge.

"Hey," she said, "that's what you get for calling me a nerd."

Lance looked surprised, "When did I do that?

"...You don't remember? You called me a nerd during science yesterday."

"I did?"

"Yeah... I guess the potion fazed you. What do you remember?"

"I recall taking a gulp of your potion. There was this cloud that was tearing my clothes but that's all. And I'm sorry that I called you a nerd."

"S'all good."

Keith looked down at the floor. "Well, you have my number now."

Lance paused, "Huh?"

He got his phone from his bedside table and checked his contacts. He smiled.

Hunk whispered to Pidge, "So he doesn't remember coming out to us?"

She pondered then whispered back, "I guess not. Should we tell him?"

They looked at Lance then sighed.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked. Keith looked at them as well.

"Lance," Hunk spoke, "you said something regarding your sexuality."

Lance's eyebrows went up. "...W-What did I-I say?"

Pidge took a deep breath, "You said you were bisexual."

Lance started to blush out of embarrassment. He covered himself with his blanket. He became timid and curled himself into a ball.

Keith, Pidge, and Hunk looked at Lance with concern. Keith sat down next to him.

He rubbed his back, "Don't be ashamed of it... we're all supportive. You're still the same Lance we all know and lov- like! Yup! Like, d-definitely like!"

Pidge and Hunk raised one eyebrow.

Keith sighed, "Look, you shouldn't be shy about it. We still see you as our lover-boy Lance."

Lance turned his body and looked at Keith, "Really?"

"Of course," he responded.

He removed the blanket and looked at the others.

"I'm glad you guys are okay with it, I wish I could remember saying it though."

Hunk and Pidge hugged Lance tightly. Keith crosses his arms and smiled.

Lance asked, "What time is it? Where's the fam?"

Hunk looked at the clock. "It's 9:56 and your family went out for breakfast."

"Do you know when they come back?"

"Maybe 10:30?"

Lance got up from his bed, "We should probably continue talking at someone else's house. My family is gonna destroy you 3."

Pidge chuckled, "I'm cool with it." The others nodded. "So, where are we going? I can drive."

"Not my place," Hunk defended, "my mom's making a new recipe. I rather not bother her."

"Well, mine's not good either. Matt and dad are out and they don't trust me in the house without their supervision."

They turned to Keith.

"Can we go to your place?" The trio asked in unison.

Keith sighed, "Let me ask my dad. If he says yes, then we can hang."

Lance, Pidge, and Hunk smiled brightly. They hadn't been to Keith's house for a very long time. They got excited.

Suddenly, Hunk and Pidge came up with an idea. They whispered to each other and confirmed their sneaky plan.

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