You two should fuck!

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3rd Person POV:

Lance and Keith could feel a sensation, powering through the kiss.

It was as if two Alicorns were flying all the way to Cloud 9, passed the Skittles Rainbow. Nothing could compare to this moment. It was magical & excitement for both of them.

They both felt uneasy and their minds ran in fear of making a mistake. But at the same time, they had fun and got a sense of empowerment. The feeling was too amazing for their lips to handle.

Yet they advanced.

Keith put his hands on Lance's neck and leaned in more. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's back and relaxed slowly. The tension was tight, but their love for each other was free.

They had both waited for this moment for forever. Hunk and Pidge saw the obvious signs while the other two were completely oblivious. The gentleness of the kiss was slow and amazing. They took their time to escalate.

Keith and Lance were skyrocketing. The people below grew jealous and envious. The planes above them made themselves quiet so they wouldn't disturb them. Cupid did not need to shoot an arrow to make them fall in love.

Their storybook was unfolding a new chapter, a breaking moment. A moment, never to forget.

"Keith..." Lance softly spoke.

Keith stopped the kiss. He was just a few inches away. "Yes..?"

"I..." the Cuban boy paused.

It grew quiet for a moment. Lance was still too shy to speak aloud.

"I love you too," Keith giggled.

Then, after a pause of silence, they went straight back to the kiss. This time, a bit more gentle, but with more aggression. It was a little bit forceful, but that was great for Keith.

Lance didn't mind the quick and strong actions. He was hesitant at first but then started to have fun. They kissed like that for a while, no stopping.

It was like an on-going roller coaster. The two of them didn't want to get off of it. They were the only ones on the ride. Keith and Lance were in their own little world of happiness and love.

Before they could add tongue, Shiro quietly entered the room.

"OH MY GOD!" Shiro yelled in surprise.

The two of them immediately got off each other and started to turn into cherries.

"You two were totally making out!" He pointed out.

Shiro got excited and sat between Lance and Keith. His leg kept twitching up and down. He couldn't stop smiling from the thought of them, kissing each other. The two teens looked at him and giggled.

"Aww, look at my little Keith," Shiro messed up Keith's hair, "all grown up."

"Shiro..!" Keith complained. "You're embarrassing me!"

"It's only Lance though!"

Shiro gave a big smile to Lance then raised his eyebrows. Keith couldn't help but laugh. He moved seats and sat next to Lance. Without hesitation, he grabbed his hand.

Keith spoke, "So what now?"

Lance was still flustered from the kiss, "W-What?"

He giggled, "I said, what now?"

"You two should fuck!" Shiro raised his hand.

Keith and Lance immediately started to laugh. Their stomachs began to hurt and they started to lay down on the floor. Shiro didn't get why they were laughing though.

They didn't think they were ready for sex. Of course, they wanted to get down, but not in that way... not yet. There was also their social-status problem. Some people would hurt them and do horrible stuff. They'd get taunted every day for it. They didn't want that for each other.

But they didn't care. They just wanted to be together. Despite the difficulties they had, they still kept one thing locked in their minds. If we have each other, Lance and Keith thought, then that's all that matters.

When the teens had calmed down, they leaned against the bed. Lance and Keith looked at each other.

"Lance..." Keith said. He started to blush, "will you go out with me?!"

Keith put his head down on Shiro's lap. Shiro patted his head slowly. He sighed then softly chuckled. Lance looked at him and showed a great and beautiful smile.

"I would love to..!" Lance said with excitement.

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