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Keith's POV:

"Keith! Lotor! Lance! In my office NOW!" Shiro yelled. "Everyone else, get to class!"

Lotor gave me a death glare. He ran then walked with Shiro to his office.

I walked up to Lance and held up my arm. It had a long sleeve.

"W-What're you doing?" He stuttered.

"Wiping your tears," I said as I brushed his eyes. "Sorry for that. Pidge has told me about how you feel about violence."

Lance's POV:

I didn't know that I was crying. I wasn't even aware of it until Keith pointed it out to me.

I never cry. I guess that's why Keith was super mad...

I hated violence. I never knew what to do whenever I saw it. Usually, I'd stand still in fear, or try to escape if possible.

But that time, I couldn't.

I wonder what else Pidge has told Keith...

Pidge's POV:

HA! I've told Keith almost everything. I know, I need to keep them to myself. But you can't keep secrets in a future relationship~!

Keith's POV:

"C'mon," I said, "let's get to Shiro."

He nodded as we walked together to the door.

Shiro ordered us to sit down. Lotor was on the left, Lance to the right, and I was in the middle.

"So..." Shiro sighed, "tell me what exactly happened."

We were all silent. Lance and I looked at each other. Lotor was playing with his hair.

After a few seconds, I yelled, "Lotor was insulting Lance!"

"I wasn't insulting him!" Lotor fought back. "I was just telling him the truth!"

"What you said was nowhere near the truth! Lance is NOT a loser!"

"Oh says who?"

"Says me! And he is special! He's special to a lot of people!"

Lance started to smile a little.

"He's passionate! How does that make him not special?"

"He's a goofball! All he does is fool around! He's all bark and no bite!"

"Oh, what do you know?!" We both stood up.

Lotor chuckled, "Why're you defending him?" He gasped, "Do you like him? Is he your boyfriend?"

I became red and got really pissed. "You're so dramatic!" You didn't need to hurt him!"

"You're so annoying! You didn't need to punch me!"

"ENOUGH!" Shiro yelled.

We both looked at him then at each other. Lotor flipped his hair as I readjusted my gloves. We sat back down.

Shiro began to inhale and exhale. He cleared up his throat then turned to Lance.

"Lance..." he trailed, "are you okay?"

He stuttered, "Y-Yea-!"

"Who cares about how that little shit feels?!" Lotor yelled. "That boy is proof that even God makes mistakes!"

I looked at him with my "you're gonna regret that" face.

"Lotor..!" Shiro whispered loudly.

"Lance is just a whiny puppy that can't defend himself! If he'd been less weak, he wouldn't need his knight in shining armor to protect him!"


"Everything he does is meaningless! He's nothing but an ugly monkey who belongs in the forest!"


Lance ran out of the room in tears. You could hear him. I stood up and towered over Lotor.

"Keith sit down."

I frowned angrily and sat.

Shiro yelled, "What the hell?! That was uncalled for!"

"I was jus-!"


He flinched. Lotor almost screamed. He kept quiet.

Shiro took a deep breath. "Now... I want you both to know that you decreased your chances of getting Romeo."

"However... because of Lotor's... actions... he will be kicked out of the drama club and have to do community service for 2 weeks."

Lotor eyes widened, "I'm gonna be kicked out?!"

"Yes, that is what I just said."

"But why?! I didn't do anything!"

"You bullied Lance & provoked Keith! You caused him to storm out of the room, crying! I think you've done your fair share of wickedness in this club."

Lotor groaned and crossed his arms. Shiro massaged his head.

"Now Keith."


"You stood up for Lance which I commend you for. Although, I still have to give you punishment for hurting another student."

"Yes, sir..."

"You'll have 1 hour of detention after school for a month. You just have to promise me that the next time this happens, you'll think logically."

I nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

Shiro took out a notepad which had dismal forms. He filled one out and gave it to Lotor.

"Head to class, you'll start working next week."

Lotor snatched the paper from Shiro and stomped outside.

It was quiet for a few seconds. Then suddenly, you could hear Lotor yell.

I almost started to laugh.

Shiro looked at me, "Keith."


He filled out two more & handed them to me.

"Go find Lance, once you do, drop him off at his classroom."

I looked at the papers and nodded.

Realizing || Klance fanfic || Highschool AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon