Shiny Tomato

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Lance's POV:

~10 minutes later~

"He's awake," the nurse said.

Pidge, Hunk, and I immediately stood up. We were all nervous and scared when he fainted. He looked totally drained and broken.

We made our way over to one of the recovery beds and saw Keith. He was laying down on the bed with his eyes barely open. He looked tired and sad.

"Keith!" I yelled with happiness.

I ran over to him and sat on another bed so I'd face him. I was smiling brightly since he was awake. He smiled too but it was a small grin.

"How are you..?" I tried to speak gently.

I didn't want to be loud, it'd probably startle him. Pidge and Hunk sat next to me. They looked glad, just like me.

"I'm..." Keith said, he paused, "I could be... way better right now. He giggled.

"Keith?" The nurse said as she walked towards his bed.

She was holding a cup of water and some fluffy bread. The lady sat down next to him. She slowly helped Keith sit up. His back was against the wall.

The nurse continued, "I think I know why you fainted..."

We all looked at each other with a curious glow in our eyes.

"Keith... I'm 99% sure... that you haven't been treating your body well. According to your blood pressure, you most likely have an eating disorder."

Keith looked down at the food. He tried to increase the pressure from his body to the wall. He glared at a window and didn't want to look at it.

"I know you probably don't want to eat right now, but if you don't, you can end up in the hospital for months."

The nurse handed them to Keith. He looked back then took a big gulp. He weakly grabbed the food.

The nurse turned to us, "Can you please help him eat?"

We all nodded. After that, the girl left the room. She probably needed to contact Keith's parents about our situation.

Then we looked back at Keith who was close to crying.

I transferred spots and sat beside him. I took and held the loaf of the bread and tore a small piece of it off. I handed it to him, he immediately shook his head.

"Keith... please eat," I insisted.

"N-No! I don't want to! I don't need to!" He cried. Tears were running down his face.

"Why not?"

He paused then began to cry loudly. He kept wiping his ongoing tears and made eyes with me the whole time.

"I-I w-want to be b-b-beautiful..!"

He began to sob. He was about to scream and yell. I pulled him in close and hugged him super tight.

Now, this is the WORST situation to do this in, but Pidge took a picture of us.

"Keith... you've never been ugly. You're gorgeous in your own special way!"

He wasn't listening to me. He just kept crying loudly. I rubbed his back slowly. Pidge and Hunk gave him a hug too.

Soon, we looked like a salad. Pidge being the lettuce, Hunk as the corn, Keith as the shiny tomato, and yours truly as the blueberries. We complemented each other well.

"How did this even start?" Pidge asked.

Keith looked at her then sighed.

"It was at the coffee shop, wasn't it?"

He nodded, "Where's my phone?"

"It's in your backpack, why?"

"It has the full answer to your question, can you get it please..?"

"Of course mullet."

She stood up and walked over to Keith's black bag. She began to search. After about a minute, she found it with its red casing.

Pidge came back and gave it to him. Keith shakily put in the password and went to his chat with James. He opened all the conversations and handed the phone to Hunk.

Hunk looked pissed as he read through the messages. He gripped the phone then took a deep breath. He handed the phone to Pidge. After reading some of them, she cracked her knuckles and her neck. They both looked very mad.

Finally, she handed it to me.

"Me bothering you? It's the other way around stupid! You're a pathetic loser that's just following everyone! If anything, you're the nuisance. Lose some weight, sausage!"

"Oh, but you should! I'm only looking out for you. Kids at school don't have the guts to say the truth to your fat and ugly face."

Of course, this made me super mad. I was about to scream into a pillow... when I saw a particular message.

"I won't disappear until you get wiped off the yearbook! I'm back Keith, you can't do anything about it! You're a disgusting, fat, fairy that has nothing to live for! You're such an attention whore, just like your mom! I can't believe you almost committed suicide! Next time, don't play pretend! LOSER!"

Lance immediately turned to Keith.

"You almost committed... suicide?"

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