Science with Pidge

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Lance's POV:

Keith and I were booking it to my classroom. We were so tired and our feet were sore.

As we were running, a song was playing in my head. My feet matched the beat. It kept me going.

Now don't laugh, but the song was the Umizoomi theme song. It's catchy, okay? (Video on the top)

~5 minutes later~

We finally made it, room 134. This was a science room. It's not my favorite subject.

But it's Pidge's favorite subject and I have science with Pidge.

Pidge is the master of the usage of chemicals. She's like crazy good at it. She's also awesome at technology. If somebody figures out a way to combine the two, it's gonna be Pidge.

And no, it's not computer science. That's too basic for Pidge.

I knocked on the classroom door. Keith and I looked at each other nervously.

The door opened to reveal Mr. Wimbleton. "Lance, why're you late?"

I gave him the form, "I was talking to a teacher about... an important matter."

He looked at the slip of paper. "This better not happen again."

I nodded and bowed like crazy.

"Well, I guess I can let it slide since you have a teacher's note. Go sit down next to Ms. Holt."

I did what I was told and made my way to my seat.

He turned to Keith, "What are you doing here Mr. Kogane?"

"The teacher asked me to drop Lance off here."

"Lance could've gotten here himself."

"Yes, but he got... lost... and I had to find him." He showed him his note.

Mr. Wimbleton looked at it then gave it back. "Alright, head to class."

"Yes, sir," and just like that, Keith was up and running again.

I looked around the classroom.

Most of the students were in the middle of experimenting. Some turned their heads when they saw me.

Pidge was at our desk, typing up a paper on her laptop. It was decorated with alien ship stickers. In the top, left corner was her real name in green marker.

I placed my backpack underneath the table and sat next to her.

Pidge adjusted her glasses. "Well, you've been gone for a while."

I chuckled nervously, "Sorry about that."

"Don't be." She examined my eyes. "You've been crying?"


Pidge patted my back, "Are you okay?"

"Now, yeah. Lotor said some really nasty stuff to me in Shiro's office. I kinda ran out and Keith went looking for me. Thankfully, he found and comforted me."

"Oooooh, Keith, huh?"

"What kind of weird thoughts are you getting now Gunderson?"

"There aren't any, I swear. Well, none that should concern you." Pidge smirked. "So do you like him?"

"...Wait, what?"

"You heard me, do you like him?"

"In what way?"

One of her eyebrows went up, "You know... that way."

It was silent for a few seconds. Then I finally got what she meant.

"What?! Why're you suddenly dropping that q-question?!"

"I don't know, just curious."

I let out a big sigh. "Would you make fun of me if I did?"

"Absolutely not! It should be natural for you to like him. Especially after he searched everywhere for you and took care of you."

I blushed a little bit.

She chuckled, "So you do like him?"

"Possibly... but he's most likely straight. Plus, I don't have a chance."

"Why do you say that? You're a good guy, he is too. I think you guys can hit it off."



I thought for a moment then said, "You think I should ask for his number?"


"Shh! Keep it down, will ya?"

"Yeah, sorry..."

"It's okay. I can try to ask if I ever have the confidence to."

"Well whenever that will be, Hunk and I will always be proud of you."

"Proud of me? For what?"

"For taking a chance, of course. You're our best friend, we want to push you forward."

We smiled warmly at each other.

"You both are the best. Thanks for sticking with me."

"Thank you for not giving up on us."

"I'll never do that. Not in a billion years."

"Promise?" She held out her pinky finger.

"Hella promise." I intertwined mine with hers.

"Good, cause I need you to be my Guinea pig for an experiment tomorrow. The teacher won't let me make potions till then."

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