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Hi everyone

So a lot of people have been reading this book and I'm super grateful of those who actually have the time to go through this.

Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart <3

You all are amazing and I care for each and every one of you.

If you ever have bad/negative thoughts... then I know what that feels like. I understand what you're going through.

The past few days have been complete hell for me and it's been really hard not to cry in front of my irl friends.

I'm currently dealing with a lot of anxiety and pressure and stress and pain. My way of coping and feeling better is writing my feelings down.

Especially, in these books.

I have a lot of shit I need to write down in the next few chapters.

So... I apologize if the story gets any sadder or if I take a long time to update.

I'll try my best to keep it nice and happy.

Everyone, have a good day. I wish you all the best

Realizing || Klance fanfic || Highschool AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang