Pool Gang!

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Pidge's POV:

~Time Skip: A Week 1/2 Later~

"Guess which bitch got her top surgery?!" I yelled at 4 boys.

Lance, Hunk, Keith, and Shiro huddled in front of me with curiosity.

I took off my shirt and pointed to my face, "THIS ONE!!"

As soon as they saw the stitches, the four of them cheered and yelled. One by one, they all hugged me. They were congratulating me and were very gentle with my body. There were all sorts of questions that they kept asking. I tried to answer them carefully.

"How did you get the money to afford it?!" Hunk asked. "That's like, $4000!"

I giggled, "My brother and cousin, Ryner, were working really hard for the money for years. I remember them coming home super late some days. But I'd help out by working extra hours at a daycare center."

"Wow, what kind of work do they do?"

"Well, Matt helps build and program robots while Ryner is a photographer."

"Very impressive, that's amazing..!"

"It sure is, I'm very grateful!"

"So are you gonna fully transition into a male?" Keith mentioned.

I replied bluntly, "Of course I am! It'll just take me a bit more time. Although, my next goal is to get my name permanently changed."

"Nice!" He and I did our handshake.

"We're all proud of you Pidge," Shiro said with a reassuring tone.

I slowly started to tear up. I hugged them tightly and felt their arms wrap around me. I looked up and thanked them again and again for all the support they had given me.

I used to have many doubts about the surgery. I felt awful for being the reason why my family had to work so hard. Whenever I would feel bad, they were always there for me. I owe everyone, everything.

I put my stuff on a chair, "Well c'mon!" I jumped into the pool with my shorts on. "The water's gonna get cold!"

~20 minutes later~

Each one of them got changed. Shiro was wearing black boxers with a pair of sunglasses. Hunk had an orange headband to keep his hair out of the way and yellow bottoms. Lance decided to be boring and just wore blue shorts.

Shiro, Hunk, and I were already in the pool. Lance was putting on sunscreen. Everyone was pretty happy.

Everyone except for Keith.

When he got out of the changing room, he wore a red towel around his body. He insisted on covering up and ended up sitting down at the edge of the water. He seemed shy about his figure. But no one could blame him, he was most likely worried since he started getting back to his regular weight.

He swayed his legs back and forth. His eyes didn't leave the waves he created.

When Lance was done, he sat down next to Keith.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked. "You're not gonna swim?"

Keith shook his head. He exhaled, "I want to, I just don't think I can."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I know how to swim. Shiro taught me over summer break. I just feel like everyone's gonna judge me..."

"Huh? Why would they judge you?"

Keith tightened his grip on the towel. Lance noticed and kissed his forehead.

"May I see..?" He asked shyly.

Keith was hesitant but then revealed his chest area to him. The whole time, he was looking into his boyfriend's eyes.

I got to see a small portion of his body by sneakily swimming to a certain spot.

You could still see cresses of his bones but there wasn't a rib cage. There was a bit of baby fat on his stomach which laid on his thighs. Keith was sucking in his gut to hide one of his insecurities. There were a few stretch marks on the edge of his hips.

Lance immediately hugged Keith. "You're beautiful~! I don't know what you'd be so ashamed of."

Keith stuttered as he covered up again, "B-But... there's this!"

He poked his stomach and squished a side of his hips. He grabbed a hold of his skin and moved it up and down continuously.

Lance held his hand, "Stop it. I love your body. You look so much better than before. I think you look awesome!"

Keith blushed and kissed him on the lips. "Thank you..."

"No problem," Lance smiled.

"Get a room!" I yelled. Hunk and I laughed. Shiro rolled his eyes.

The two of them looked at us in shock. They began to giggle too. Then, they stood up. Lance brought Keith over to a chair and slowly removed the towel from his body.

"C'mon," Lance said, "the play is in a week! Let's just chill until then, okay?"

Keith nodded as he gripped tightly onto Lance's hand.

They walked together to the pool. The red teen stood still for a moment. The Cuban boy grew impatient and pushed him into the water. Then, he cannonballed and splashed every person who had their head above the surface.

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