My Lord Freeadick!

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A/N: I'm using a "Romeo and Juliet Summary" video from Nerdstudy to help with the play!

Btw, Pidge and Hunk's scene isn't in the actual play/video.

This one's a long one so grab some snacks and enjoy <3

3rd Person POV:

Shiro stood behind the stage curtains and took a deep breath. "Showtime..!" He whispered. He walked through the cloth and opened his arms, "Hello everyone!"

A huge crowd of families and students clapped. They smiled and cheered with excitement.

He cleared his throat, "The famous story of Romeo and Juliet starts in Verona, Italy."

The red curtains slid and showed a background with trees and shops. There were painted birds. A spotlight was on two spots on the platform.

Shiro continued to speak, "In this setting, there are two families, the Capulets..."

A group of teenagers who were dressed in red ran to the left side of the framework. Some of them had swords and shields. There was a mix of boys and girls.

"...and the Montagues."

Now a team of students got onto the right side of the stage. They were dressed in blue. The accessories the first unit had were practically copied for the blue kids.

"They hold a nasty rivalry, filled with violence. Their feuds have been causing the rest of the city many problems but there doesn't seem to be an end in sight."

Some of the high-schoolers hid from the audience. 4 people were left with their heads held high, two Capulets (red) and two Montagues (blue).

"Sampson and Gregory, two servants of the caplet house were bad-mouthing the Montague family."

Those two people were played by Allura and Romelle. They looked fearless and had powerful poses. They pretended to talk with no actually sounds coming out of their mouths.

"While the two caplets make sexually insulting remarks about the women of the Montague house, Gregory actually manages to spot out two Montagues, one of them being Abram."

Abram was Hunk. The other one was a boy named Beezer. They both wore a long, white sleeved shirt with a blue and black vest. They seemed angry with their arms crossed.

"Samson does something very unique here. He bites his thumb in front of Abram which in this story, is considered a huge insult."

Allura suddenly put her thumb in between her teeth and started to bite down. She began to smirk evilly.

Hunk looked offended, "Huh! Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?"

"Uh... is it a law of our side if I say 'ay?'" Allura asked Romelle.

Romelle bluntly replied, "No."

"No, sir. I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir."

Some of the little kids in the crowd giggled.

Shiro sighed, "Abram and Sampson continue to get worked up, comparing whose master is better until Sampson dares the Montagues to pull out their swords if they are men."

Hunk, Allura, Beezer, and Romelle, all pulled out their fake swords and began to "fight." Some stepped back while others went forward.

"Suddenly, Benvolio, another Montague member, jumps into the scene and tries to get the fight to come to an end."

Pidge immediately ran onto the stage and pulled on Hunk's arm.

"My Lord Freeadick!" Pidge (as Benvolio) yelled. The audience started to laugh a bit more.

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