Carrots Pt. 1

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Lance's POV:

~The next day~

Pidge was wearing her protection goggles instead of her regular glasses. She was mixing all sorts of potions into this one glass cup. The different colors caused the mixture to look like a mossy green.

I stood there next to her, confused.

She spoke, "I've wanted to test this potion for a long time. It's a work in progress."

"Once you drink it, I'll have all the data I need to perfect it." Pidge grabbed her laptop and positioned it in front of her.

"So what is this supposed to do exactly?" I asked.

Pidge added some more chemicals, "It's supposed to make you tell the truth for the next 24 hours."

"Is there a downside to it?"

She picked up the cup and handed it to me. I held it in my cold hands.

"Telling the truth is the downside. Some of what you say may be brutal. Although, I'm not sure if there are any side effects."

I looked down at the bubbly drink.

"You might be more flirtatious than normal. But that's all I'm aware of."

Pidge patted my head and hid behind her laptop, "Make sure to drink every drop."

3rd person POV:

Lance circled the liquid in the cup. He took a deep breath. Pidge grew anxious.

Lance chuckled nervously, "Bottoms up..."

Pidge closed her eyes and ducked her head as he gulped down the whole drink.

Surprisingly, the potion had a nice berry taste. It had a weird after taste though. At first, nothing really happened.

Pidge opened her eyes and peered over her laptop, "Feel anything?"

Lance looked all over his body, "Nope, I don't see anything either."

Suddenly, a blue cloud surrounded him. Pidge hid again and shook. She stared directly at her computer and started to type. The puff was rotating around Lance. You could hear certain sounds. Clothes tearing and Lance shouting at nothing.

Mr. Wimbleton ran up to Pidge, "What is going on here?!"

"Lance is examining a potion I made," she answered, "but I have no idea what's happening since this is the first time I've actually tested it."

"Ms. Holt! You know the rules! Testing your creations on humans is strictly prohibited! Especially if you don't know what it can do to an organism!"

"But it shouldn't hurt him! It's just gonna make him speak honestly!"

"Well, it better have a good purpose! If you do this again in the lab, I'll have to ban you from making potions in the school! Is that understood?"

She gulped, "Y-Yes si-!"

"Hello~," a flirtatious voice called.

The two of them stopped and looked at each other. Mr. Wimbleton turned his head. Pidge looked over her laptop.

Their eyes widened.

Lance was standing in a sexy pose. He was wearing a fancy, blue top. He had blue bunny ears on his head. Instead of pants, he had a blue silky skirt. On his feet were not sneakers, but short heels.

Pidge was in awe & started to freak out crazily. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!"

"Pidge I swear to god..!" Mr. Wimbleton said out of stress.

"Wait! I wanna test something!" She typed lightening fast and went up to Lance.

She removed her goggles and put on her glasses. "Lance..."

"Yes, beautiful?" He smirked.

She rolled her eyes, "Yep, definitely flirtatious."

The other students looked at Lance and started to chuckle.

"Just so I know if the potion worked, I have a few questions for you."

"Shoot at me."

"Do you like to act?"

"Hell yeah! Who wouldn't?"

"No idea. Do you like our science class?"

"Not really, it gets boring. Plus, it's always so loud. I prefer my English class."

Mr. Wimbleton's eyebrows went up. He squinted his eyes. "I'll keep that in mind."

Pidge continued, "Are you confident that you'll get the part of Juliet?"

The students started to whisper.

"Hm... to be completely honest... nope! Not at all!" He chuckled. "I might as well be a prop on the stage!"

Pidge adjusted her glasses, "Interesting..."

She turned the laptop and typed a bit more.

"So how long is this potion supposed to last?" The teacher asked.

"Until tomorrow. Lance will be back to his normal self in no time."

"Okay good, cause I'll have to talk with him..."

"Hey, nerd?" Lance asked while he fixed his skirt. "When's school over?"

It suddenly went silent.

"Ooooooh!" The other students said. They started to giggle.

"Mr. Mclain!" Mr. Wimbleton yelled.

Pidge stopped typing then turned to him. She teared up a bit.

"What the fuck did you just call me..?"

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