The Public

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Keith's POV:

~Time Skip: Monday - Lunch~

Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and I were at our usual eating spot. Even though it was the same place every school day, it somehow looked more colorful to me. Maybe it was because of Lance... no, it was definitely because of Lance.

We were sitting next to each other. The boy with blue eyes was paying close attention to the current conversation. Pidge was talking about this robot she wanted to build named Rover. It was interesting, but I was thinking about something else.

I wanted to hold Lance's land. There was no reason, I just wanted to. Having him with me made a smile appear on my face. I finally started to feel safe.

I felt secure, knowing that he was my boyfriend.

"I can imagine Rover looking like a triangular pyramid." Pidge went on. "It should be green, I like green."

Suddenly, I went for Lance's hand. I grabbed it steadily, causing him to look at me. Pidge and Hunk automatically noticed and their jaws dropped.

"HOLY SHIT!" Pidge yelled. She got her phone out and took a quick pic.

I tried to call her down, "Pidge! Please keep it down!"

"Right! Sorry," she put her phone away.

Lance just kept looking at me. We just gazed into each other's eyes.

Hunk gasped, "Are you guys dating??"

We both immediately went red.

"Oh my god, you totally are..!"

Lance nervously chuckled and scooted closer to me. I fake coughed as my blushing face started to die down.

"Nah, I don't believe it," Pidge said, crossing her arms.

Hunk turned to her with a shocked expression, "You don't? Why not?" Lance and I were surprised as well.

"I don't know... I just feel like they would be more open about it. They're pretty conservative."

"We're right here," the Cuban boy and I said in unison.

Pidge gulped.

"But I get what you mean," Lance said. He looked at me then back at her, "you want proof, right?"

She nodded eagerly.

Lance made my head turn in his direction.

He ran his fingers through my hair, ever so gently. He leaned in closer to me. He put a hand on the bottom of my jawline and with his thumb, he brushed my lips with it. He stared at it for a while then gave me a brief but affectionate kiss.

I put my hands on his back and tried to keep him closer to me. We kept it slow and easy which was pleasant. I was so caught up in the moment, that I almost forgot about Pidge and Hunk. Without trying to be rude, I backed away from his chest, releasing the close pressure. Once, he realized it too, we looked the opposite way of each other, still having our hands held.

"YOU GUYS REALLY ARE DATING!!" Pidge happily yelled. She collided her hands with Hunk's palms. They both squealed with joy as Lance and I tried to calm them down.

The two of them kept asking questions about us. I tried to answer them as well as I could, but they kept cutting me off with more puzzles I didn't know how to solve.

"So who's the top?" Hunk asked, crawling closer to us.

"W-Well..!" I stuttered.

"So when the two of you slow dance, who leads?"

"We've n-n-never.."

"Are you guys gonna have gay babies?" Pidge joined making the distance shorter.


"How much do you really like each other?"

As more and more questions popped up, I started to get tense. I chuckled nervously.

Suddenly, I felt Lance's grip get tighter.

I looked at him. The pupils in his eyes were shivering. He was startled and didn't know how to react to the questions. I guessed he was pretty shocked so I cut the conversation off.

"Hey!" I said in a firm voice. "Stop it! Enough with the questions..."

I rubbed Lance's back slowly as the Pidge and Hunk went back to their spots. He let out a long sigh and just laid down.

"You okay Lance?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm good..." he replied, putting an arm over his eyes.

I looked at Pidge and Hunk who still had the look of curiosity in their eyes. I could tell they wanted answers so I tried to provide a few for them.

"We got together on Saturday..."

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