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When your eyes finally reopened, you were none the wiser of the time, nor the day. You felt warmth engulfing you, the weight of something shielding your body from the world around you. It took a few blinks before your vision finally settled and adjusted to the light, though it was extremely faint.

You could see the curtains of a window glowing as a lone figure perched perfectly in a chair just in front of it. Even his shadow illuminated attractiveness. You weren't blind, you knew he was a beautiful man from the start, but there was always something that kept you more hesitant of him than an average person like yourself. Beautiful eyes always lied. 

"Taehyung." You whispered, lips covered by the blanket you were confined in, but your voice still reached his ears.

His head turned to you, a somber smile creeping across his lips at a snail's pace. You couldn't see those deep pools of chocolate brown that were clouded by the shadows, but you knew they were on you. 

"Hey." He called back, almost as if in regret. "How're you feeling, Y/N?" He asked, keeping his baritone voice soft and smooth, not wanting to be too loud. A tactic you noticed he took often when your mental state seemed more fragile than normal. 

You had no answer to give, you weren't even sure what to tell him. All you knew at that moment was that even the act of blinking seemed to be exhausting. You only groaned in reply as you curled in on yourself, securing the blanket tighter around your body, using it for both protection and warmth. 

"That good, huh?" He questioned, clear sarcasm dripping from his lips as he held onto that calm smile. He turned in his chair, facing the bed as he leaned forward, pressing his elbows against his knees. "Can I get you anything?"

"Stop... doting on me." You muttered, another bellyaching groan leaving your throat. Well, at least your independence hasn't left you.

"Stop being so stubborn." He quipped in return.

You sneered your lip, refusing to give up on your individualistic attitude. But your spunk only helped shift Taehyung's smile to something more genuine.

"Coffee." You mumbled against the sheets, stirring in your posture, trying to roll yourself onto your back, but the lingering ache of your body made the simple gesture so incredibly difficult.

"What?" Leaning closer to the bed, he tilted his head toward you, lending you his ear.

"Coooofffeeee." You cried, stretching out your words like a child whining for their favorite snack, finally pulling the blanket from your lips and starting to shimmy it down your body in your attempts to break free. 

"Way ahead of you." He said as he pointed to the steaming cup that rested untouched on the nightstand beside you.

Humph. Tricks of a reaper, right? Maybe he had given up trying to be a 'normal' person now, pretending nothing was wrong and leading you to believe that both you and he were of the living. You still weren't sure you were over the charade that he had put on for you, it still felt like lies. 

You pressed your hands into the bed, using it as a brace as you pushed yourself up onto your rear, groaning with each movement before finally sitting up straight. You could sense that there were bags under your eyes and a red tint to your hues. Your cheeks were puffy and nose still felt stuffed. You didn't need to see yourself to know you looked like a wreck, just as you felt. 

You started to reach for the cup, shifting in the bed to sit diagonally on it, facing Taehyung. But he noticed your struggle and quickly grabbed the steaming up and offered it to you so that you needn't strain your body any further. You huffed from your nostrils like a bull, still disliking the idea of being doted on. But the ache of your muscles was enough to make you not verbally chastise him for his help. 

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